Only a Step

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Arthur and his mother lived alone. His father had been dead for many years, and the rest of the family had grown up and started homes of their own. Of course they were devoted to each other, and Arthur was all that his mother could wish him to be, except in one respect. He loved his mother, but had not yet learned to love his mother’s Saviour. He was obedient to her, but had not yet obeyed the gospel.
One Sunday night at a gospel meeting, the preacher quoted several times the words:
“It’s only a step to Jesus:
Why not take it now?”
These words fastened themselves upon young Arthur’s mind, and when he went to bed that night he could not get rid of them. They would not let him sleep. That night he thought over the whole question. Should he take that step? Jesus called him, and had a right to his young life. He knew that he ought to for he was a sinful boy and needed the Saviour; he knew he ought to for otherwise his life would be wasted, and if he did not come at all, his soul would be lost.
The night wore on, and Arthur heard the clock downstairs strike ten, eleven, and twelve. It was then that his decision was made. He made it on his knees beside the bed, and then when it was made, he ran into his mother’s bedroom.
“Why, Arthur,” she said, “what is the matter?”
“I’ve come to tell you, Mother, that I’ve taken the step,” he said. “It was only a step to Jesus, and I’ve taken it.”
That made his mother happy, and it made Arthur happy. There was joy in heaven also, and we know all our Christian readers will rejoice to hear that Arthur took that step while for him it was “now.”
“It’s only a step to Jesus.” Boys and girls, can any of you who have not taken this step give any reason why you should not do it now?
The Lord Jesus has completed on Calvary’s cross all the work that was required for our salvation. He bore the judgment of God against sin. His precious blood was shed to wash away our sins, and now He asks us to come to Him and He will save us for eternity. Will you not come to Him at once?
“Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2.
“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3.
“Only a step to Jesus!
Then why not take it now?
Come, and thy sin confessing,
To Him, thy Saviour, bow.”
ML 04/01/1956