WHILE the writer was on a holiday at the town of R., in the far-famed Isle of Man, he accompanied a servant of the Led on a visit to an old lady, whose friends had met him in the road and begged him to go and see.
In an old-fashioned cottage, and in a still more quaint bedroom, we found the object of our visit. She had had several paralytic strokes, and was to all appearances unconscious. Although a person well over sixty, she had given no evidence of her state of soul.
Her name was Mrs. Christian, a surname common in the island. This circumstance added to the sadness of her case, and the irony of it too.
As she lay there, breathing heavily, and with eyes closed, taking apparently no notice of anything, my friend and myself spoke to her of salvation through believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, and repeated several passages of Scripture. Then, after he had prayed, we left, trusting that some word that we had said would find an entrance to the sick one's heart.
The next morning, as my time had come to go home, I called alone, and found she was still in the same condition. I again spoke to her, and quoted more passages from the Word of God. Before leaving I also prayed with her, and commended the Word to her soul, and her to the mercy of God, who willeth not the death of the sinner, but rather that all should come to Him, and live.
Her son and his wife, who lived with her being believers, were naturally very anxious about her. But as to the person herself, nothing was ever known of any work of grace in her soul. How sad to be in such a state, bearing the name of Christian all those years, yet having no part or lot in these matters!
She had had many opportunities, but had not used them. So it is, the god of this world blinds the eyes or minds of those who believe not, lest the light of the gospel should shine in and dispel the darkness.
So, my dear friend, whoever may read the account of this soul, do not do as she did; do not put off, do not neglect salvation, but come to God to-day, just as you are, through the Lord Jesus Christ, who died to save the sinner from the just consequences of his sins at the hand of a holy and sin-hating God.
“Seek ye are Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near." “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?” B. L. N.
“The fearful and unbelieving," those who are afraid to trust God, to take Him at His word, and to appropriate salvation,” shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone” (Rev. 21:8). REV 21:8