ONLY TWO CLASSES. Many sub-classes, no doubt, but only two in God's sight. The difference between them is very plain. "He that believeth on Him (the Son of God) is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already." John 3:18. The former class is on the narrow road; the latter on the broad. To which do you belong?
ONLY TWO SIDES: Which are you on? Christ says, "He that is not with Me is against Me." Matt. 12:30. The old cry of "Christ or Barabbas?" has not died down yet. Its terms may alter, but its meaning is ever the same. Christ or the world? Christ or self? This world or the world to come? The issue is very plain. Which side are you on?
ONLY TWO DEATHS. The death of the righteous and the death of the wicked. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Rev. 14:13. "As I live, saith the LORD God, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked." Ezek. 33:11. The brightest spot in this world is the deathbed of a triumphant Christian; the saddest sight in this world of sad sights is that of a sinner passing into the gloom of an eternal night without the shelter of the precious blood of Christ. If the Lord does not come, one of these two deaths will be yours. Which would it be if you were to die this moment?
ONLY TWO PLACES—heaven and hell—in eternity. To which are you traveling? Time carries you swiftly on. Once you cross time's boundary, "the great gulf fixed" is set up forever, and then mistakes are irrevocable and indifference fatal. Heaven will be the home of those who have trusted Christ as their own Savior. Alas, the unbeliever seals his own doom.