“For the Lord thy God bringeth thee into a good land —a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills”— Deuteronomy 8:7.
O blessed Lord, Thy love to us so great
Has reached my heart;
Now teach me ev’ry form of sin to hate,
Thy strength impart.
Shine forth, O Lord, in all Thy glorious light
Within my soul, and lead me through the night.
I would be like Thee, O my blessed Lord,
Through all the way,
And joy in Thee, and trust Thy faithful Word
From day to day.
Strengthen Thou me that I may love Thee more,
And live for Thee, and praise Thee and adore.
Thy goodness, Lord, will lead us by the hand
Through this dark night,
Until I reach that blessed, heav’nly land
Where all is bright—
Where Thee I’ll see as Thou art there above,
And praise Thee for the fullness of Thy love.
W. E. Rowden.
Tune, “Lead, Kindly Light.”