Open the Door for Us

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DEAR children, we have before us today, the lamb and sheep patiently waiting to be let out of the fold, and the little girl is opening the door for them. I wonder if she has something in her basket for them? No doubt when the door is open, they will bound through in great glee, and if they could speak, I am sure they would say, “Thank you.”
Now, my dear friends, this brings before us, the Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd of the lambs and sheep, the One who loves and cares for each one who belongs to His flock. How precious to know this One as our Saviour, Shepherd, and Friend.
A dear little girl was visiting her aunt. Upon the wall was a picture of a shepherd carrying a little lamb in his bosom. After looking very intently at the picture, little Mary said,
“Auntie, I don’t wish to grow big.” “Why, my dear?”
“Because Jesus carries the lambs in His bosom, and He doesn’t carry the big sheep,” and then looking again at the picture, she said,
“Doesn’t it look comfortable?”
Dear children, have you learned the tenderness of Jesus? What a happy place it is to be folded in His arms! The door of salvation is not closed, as in our picture, but wide open today, and the invitation goes out to “whosoever will” may enter.
It will not be long, before this door will be closed, and then it will be too late.
You who are still unsaved; you who have not yet come under the shelter of Jesus’ precious blood; you who have not yet felt the weight of your sins, remember the day is very near when the Lord will arise off His Father’s throne, come in the air, His lambs and His sheep caught up. to meet Him, and they will be forever with Him, —throughout Eternity. Then the door will be shut.
Will you, my dear ones, be on the inside or outside of the door?
“Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out.” Jno. 6:37.
ML 07/31/1927