by R. B. Wallace,
The Secrets of the Lord
“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets." Amos 3:7. The morning comes, but alas, for a sleeping world in moral darkness, also the night! The following appears to be the order of events subsequent to the close of the Church's history on earth:
1. The rapture.
2. The judgment seat of Christ.
3. Presentation of the Church.
4. Marriage of the Lamb.
5. King of kings comes forth.
6. The holy Jerusalem descending.
7. Millennium.
8. Eternal state.
It is important to remark that 2 Thess. 2:1, "the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ," and 2 Thess. 2:2, "the day of Christ," are two different and very distinct events. The former word meaning "presence" does not necessarily mean manifestation; whereas the latter word "day" is constantly used in the Old Testament in connection with judgment.
At the coming of Christ for His Church, not one believer will be left behind. This wonderful, undated moment—except that it comes before all ulterior events and the war in heaven (Rev. 12)—is in connection with our privileges. Moreover, all the Old Testament saints will be raised with those of the present dispensation, and all will be changed in a moment (1 Cor. 15:51, 52). Both companies will together be caught up to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4:16-18).
Judgment Seat of Christ
The judgment seat of Christ will follow the rapture (2 Cor. 5:10). Notice well that the saints will be glorified before this moment. This arraignment before Him bears no relation whatever to the question of guilt. It will be a survey which will remove everything offensive, that the bride may be presented to Himself "not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing." We sometimes speak of it as a time when rewards will be given for what has suited Himself, and all else will be consumed. We shall then be in the full light of His presence. Thus the majesty of God will have been maintained by His judgment at the same time that the perfection and tenderness of His dealings will be the eternal recollection of our souls.
Brought Into the Light of God's Presence
Light without cloud or darkness will be understood in its own perfection. To understand it is to be in it, and light is God Himself. How wonderful!
Man become One of Us”
What love is that which in its perfect wisdom, in its marvelous ways overruling all evil, could bring such beings as we are to enjoy this unclouded light. Such beings have had testimony enough in their conscience as to the judgment of God, making them avoid Him and be miserable, but nothing in them to draw them to Him who alone could find a remedy! What love and holy wisdom which could bring such to the source of good, of pure happiness, in whom the power of good repels absolutely the evil which it judges.
Presentation of the Church
Next comes the presentation, "not having spot, or wrinkle." Eph. 5:27. Where is it that the bride is presented to the Bridegroom? Naturally it would be in the Father's house.
Marriage of the Lamb
The marriage of the Lamb follows the presentation of the Church (Rev. 19:7). The "marriage supper" of the Lamb is then referred to, which seems to be rather the manifestation of His companions in glory (Rev. 19:9).
King of Kings
The King of kings now comes forth as "The Word of God" (Rev. 19:13), accompanied by the saints. He executes judgment upon the great confederacy gathered at Armageddon (Rev. 19:11-21).
The Holy Jerusalem Descending
In the progress of these heavenly wonders, we now see the bride under the figure of a city. She descends to take her place over the millennial scene (Rev. 21:10). We know this city is the bride, verse 9 clearly tells us this—"the bride, the Lamb's wife.”
The thousand years of peace intervenes, Satan is bound, and Christ reigns (Rev. 20:6).
Eternal State
Here we see the "new Jerusalem" still the bride in all her freshness after 1000 years (Rev. 21:2). The sun which measures our little day sets forever. The new heaven and new earth, wherein God dwells with men, come into view (Rev. 21:1-8).