Our Glorious Hope.

“Christ must come again because His divine Book declares it with unmistakable clearness. The fact of His return is mentioned 318 times in the New Testament, apart from the Book of Revelation. It is said that one verse out of every twenty-five in the New Testament is devoted to this subject... The very last promise in the Bible, the last word from the Saviour to His Church, is this, ‘Surely I come quickly.’ (Rev. 22:20).”
“Some of these days or nights—while men are busy with the common pursuits and cares of life, and everything is rolling on in its accustomed course—unheralded, unbelieved, and unknown to the gay world, here one, and there another, shall secretly disappear, ‘caught up’ like Enoch, who ‘was not found because God had translated him.’ Invisibly, noiselessly, miraculously, they shall vanish from the company and fellowship of those about them, and ascend to their returning Lord.”
J. A. Seiss.