Our Scholars Return From War

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
I TOLD you of a number of my scholars going off on a plundering expedition. This was a great grief to me, and I cried to the Lord to deal with them, and convict them of the sinfulness of such ways. I know the Lord heard my cry. Vandonga, one of my scholars, did go, but had to return in a few days, lame by a shot from a gun. He came to his lessons after he returned. The plundering party has been obliged to return without accomplishing their purpose, which is a mercy. The people got to hear of their coming, and fled from the villages with their wives and children to the bush, where they hid themselves, firing on the enemy. They killed one man and wounded another, and the result was that the thirty camps of our warriors returned to their homes. Chilema's brother had to return also. I believe God is working with him, and Satan is filling his mind with all sorts of foolish reasonings about the righteousness of God.
This morning at eight, I started off to a village to seek three of our scholars. I found them sitting by the huts, and they went through their lesson very nicely. I got the wife of one of them to begin to-day, and hope she may go on.