We have had the greatest encouragement in our work this year. We have had the joy of hearing of many brought to Christ. This little “Message from God” has been wonderfully blessed―in many cases to bring sinners to Christ and to bring souls into deep desire for salvation. The following letter just come is a sample of many we receive: ―
Dear Sir, — I have been reading a little book of yours called “A Message from God,” and how your prayers were answered for a little boy, and I am going to ask you to pray for one who is in terrible, terrible, despair, with a mind terribly disordered and on the verge of insanity, through despair and trouble. I have known God’s goodness; I have been taught about Jesus; I can say the fifty-third chapter of Isaiah by heart, but I can get no comfort or relief. I know God answers prayer, and nothing is impossible to Him, so I write and beg of you to pray with all your heart and soul―ask God to be merciful to me, and to take away all this awful fear and dread and despair—ask Him to give me love to Him―ask Him to give me His peace. Oh! plead, and plead, and get others to, for mine is a most hopeless and despairing case. I want to be taken out of the power of the evil one, for he has ruined all God’s past goodness to me. Oh, if. God would only answer your prayers and be merciful to me, and let His goodness return to me again!
Pray with us for this despairing soul.