Blessed Assurance.
BOBBY could not romp and play about like most boys, for he had a weak back, so he had to be wheeled in a little coach for a long time. Do not think, however, that he was unhappy. Pain and weakness had made him think of God, and as his parents were always telling him of the Lord Jesus, he trusted Him, and was ready to confess that He had died for him, and saved him, though he was only a poor little sinner.
I hope, my dear little reader, that you too have found out your need of the Saviour; because, unless you know Him, you will never reach the beautiful home on high that the Bible speaks about.
My friend Bobby had two stirring brothers, who were always moving out and in. There was also a little baby, who took up a deal of mother’s attention. Besides thee there was a big black dog in the house called Rorrie, who would rush out to the gate and bark at any dog passing upon the road. He was a kind beast, and all the boys liked him. One day Bobby’s mother gave him some meat baby had left, and told him to give it to the dog. Rorrie, of course, was pleased to see the dish, and, as Bobby brought it toward him, whisked his tail, and leaped up with his great fore paws upon the little lad. He was a big heavy fellow, and our young friend was knocked over upon the floor. He cried out, “Mamma, my leg is broken.” Fortunately his father was in the house, and no time was lost in laying him upon a bed. The limb began at once to swell, so a surgeon was sent for. Bobby cried to his mother to kneel down and pray to Jesus to spare him. He said he did not want Jesus to take him to the “happy land,” as he did not want to leave her yet. The mother trusted the Lord, and the prayer was answered, for he lives yet. It was a bad fracture, and more skillful aid had to be called in. After the surgeon had set the leg with splints, and Bobby had wakened out of the sleep caused by chloroform, he felt so much relieved that his little heart praised the Lord and thanked the doctor too. He looked up and asked if he might sing. With a sweet voice he slowly sung this verse, making every word very distinct―
“Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God;
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Saviour all the day long.”
The doctor turned aside, for tears filled his eyes. The touching pathos of the song, and the bright faith of the little patient, were not things to be met with every day. You may be sure that this gladdened his mother and father very much, and they will not be surprised, if their son is spared to be a preacher of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ.
What think you, dear reader, made this lad so bright, so ready to confess the Lord? Simply this, he had found out that he was “without strength, and guilty before God,” but believed that “Christ died for the ungodly,” and that “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” The question may be asked, How can I be sure of salvation, and possess this blessed assurance? The reply is simply, “God cannot lie. His word cannot be broken” (John 10:35) Trust then to what Scripture says about yourself as a lost sinner, and about Christ as the Saviour (for Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners), and peace will be yours. But lose no time. Take the advice of a dying man “Make sure work about your soul.” You must either be trusting the Lord or not. There is no half way. At this moment you are fit for heaven or hell, which is it? Only receive the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be able to sing with others, saved by grace―
“Perfect submission, all is at rest,
I in my Saviour am happy and blest,
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with His goodness, lost in His love.”
T. R. D.