The role that God has given to the husband in His order for the Christian family has been considered generally. The subject is far from exhausted and more specific topics come to mind, but for the present it seems logical to turn to the general responsibilities of the wife.
Let it be stated at the outset that the role of the wife in God's order is not inferior to that of the man. Nor is the woman regarded as inferior to the man, though she is a weaker vessel (1 Peter 3:7). But God has given her a role that is different than that of the husband and one that requires submission to the husband for its proper fulfillment.
The significance of the man's role and the woman's role can be judged solely by the opportunity they afford for spiritual blessing and the subsequent effect in our lives. In this sense there is neither "male nor female... in Christ." Gal. 3:28. In the resurrection day, when the blessings are enjoyed in their fullness, there will be neither male nor female (Matt. 22:30). But for the present let us remember that God's blessing is not determined by the role but by the fulfillment of it in a way that is pleasing to Him. To argue that either equal opportunity for blessing now or the elimination of roles in a coming day is reason to cancel God's order in its present application is not logical or justifiable according to the Scriptures.