Help Seemed So Close
I recently read an account of the sinking of the great ocean liner, Titanic, which is purported to be a very accurate history of that tragic event. As I read and pondered its record, the thought often came to my mind, "if only....". If only the owner had not demanded the captain race through that dark night in order to break the speed record for crossing the Atlantic. If only the warning message had been immediately heeded. If only the helmsman would have steered the great ship differently when he saw the ice berg.... if only.
But to me, the saddest facts were two shocking statements made by eye-witness survivors. First, many people did not believe the reports of trouble until it was too late. They did not take advantage of the life boats, though the crew spent well over an hour pleading with and begging many people to get into them—all the while, being routinely refused! The majority of the life boats were only partially filled—some with as few as a third of their potential capacity.
The second, and even more shocking fact was that there was evidently another ship within sight of the sinking Titanic—just a few miles away! Many survivors testified to seeing the lights of a large ship in the near distance. This convinced many other passengers who foolishly refused to get in the life boats, that help was close at hand. They were sure the ship would come to their aid and need not trouble themselves leaving the comfort of the Titanic.
Yet, in spite of urgent distress calls, that "ghost" ship suddenly turned and left the scene of the terrible catastrophe! Some experts theorize that the ship may have been a foreign vessel that was illegally in those waters. Others suggest its wireless operator had gone to sleep and did not receive the distress call. Whatever the realities, all these circumstances added up to a horrible fate for over 1500 souls.
Help Is Close
Dear young reader, though the journey in Acts 27 may seem to have come to a similar hopeless condition—the end is very different from the tragic end of the Titanic. Let's see how all hope that we should be saved was then taken away is now replaced by the wonderful words, be of good cheer.
First, never forget that even when things are impossible, beyond the control or help of man—there is still one (and only one), Divine, unfailing, hope. Our blessed God tells us in His precious Word that what is impossible with men is one of the all things that are possible with God (Matt. 19:26, Mark 10:27). Isn't it great to realize that no matter how dark and hopeless things may be, there still reigns in glory the One Who asks: "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me? (Jer. 32:27).
Never, oh never! forget dear young believer, that, no matter how great the sin and failure may be in your life—no matter how hopeless your present situation may seem, God is infinitely greater. He has given you a never changing invitation to come into His very presence to receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Heb. 4:16). Ever remember that the God who loves you, gave His Son to die for you, and who is your Father—perfect in wisdom and love—has never (and will never) stopped desiring the very best for you. He wants to give that to you, though your self-will and sin are terrible barriers to receiving the very best of God's blessings.
Though sin and self-will seems to have ruined any opportunity for you to receive and enjoy God's best in your life, there is still a way back. It is the way of repentance. The Word of God has many examples of the blessings that have come when there is true repentance. Consider Job as a prime example. He said (when all seemed lost and hopeless in his life) "1 abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes" (Job 42:6). Just a few verses later (v. 10) we find that the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had lost!
Remember what wonderful and rich blessings the prodigal son received when he repented and turned back to the father he had dishonored—the best robe, the fatted calf, shoes, a ring, and above all the father's kisses and the joy he had lost, regained in the father's house!
Repentance—the Truth Hurts
v 21 "But after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye should have hearkened unto me, and not have loosed from Crete, and to have gained this harm and loss.”
As mentioned, the truth hurts. But confessing that it is because you have sinned against God that all now seems so dark and hopeless in your life, is the first and most vitally important step you will take on "restoration road". Do you remember what David said when he repented of his dreadful sin (adultery)? "For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have 1 sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest" (Psa. 51:3,4). How it must have grieved dear David to say that—but those are the only words which could open the door to blessing for him Notice another thing—it was after a long abstinence that Paul spoke to those whose hope had been taken from them. Why did the apostle wait so long? Why didn't he keep arguing with the centurion and the crew until they listened to his warning? Because they had already rejected what he said—they did not want his advice.
Are You Ready to Hear the Truth?
Dear reader, do you really want to hear the loving and perfect wisdom of God for you, no matter how confused your life may be right now? Our wonderful God won't force His will on you. We see this principle in Acts 21:14—"when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, the will of the Lord be done". How striking that this is recorded about the beloved Apostle Paul himself! Some time before this voyage, the Lord had sent many warnings that he should not go to Jerusalem. But the apostle's love for the Jewish people caused him to disregard those Divine warnings. Finally the warnings stopped, and before long, the apostle found himself a prisoner on a ship, heading towards Rome, all because he hadn't heeded them.
In Psa. 106:15 we see a similar principle. The Lord gave the children of Israel "their request; but sent leanness into their soul". How those poor, rebellious Israelites suffered when the Lord gave them what they wanted! They desired flesh and they got flesh—quail. But they became so nauseated after eating it, that many died. Later, they got a king—Saul—who made their lives hard and unhappy, and allowed their enemies to oppress them. What a price to pay for getting what they wanted!
No Long Speeches
Paul had been quiet all those days after the centurion refused his remonstrances at Fair Havens. Now Julius as well as almost everyone else on board ship, realized how foolish and wrong they had been to refuse to listen to Paul. Are you, dear reader, still refusing to listen to God's loving and gentle warnings about the course of life you are following?
The Apostle didn't need to say much. They all knew how wrong they had been. Does it seem like the apostle Paul is "rubbing in" the hard lesson they were learning? He wasn't. But God requireth that which is past. In love and faithfulness, He will remind each repentant child, just exactly what caused the sorrow they are experiencing. If this is what you are feeling dear young person, don't despair. You are on the only road that will lead you back to joy, peace and satisfaction. Listen to God's loving and tender rebuke, accept it, bow to it, and judge as sin what took you on that path.
Hope Restored
v 22 "And now I exhort you to be of good cheer: for there shall be no loss of any man's life among you, but of the ship.”
What!? "Be of good cheer"? But how can I possibly be happy when I have so miserably sinned against the God who loved and saved me? How can I be cheerful when all I see is the miserable and hopeless storm in my life—a storm that my self-will has caused? How you ask... the answer is simple and beautiful. Because God tells you to be of good cheer.
A bit later in the 51st Psalm quoted above, David says, "a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise." When there is true repentance with you dear reader, the result will be a broken heart (for so grieving and dishonoring the Lord) and a contrite heart (for making such a mess of your life). When the Lord sees that spirit, the healing and the blessing will begin.
Further, though there is no joy or profit in trying to hide sin, God promises that one who "confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy." (Prov. 28:13). That's just what you may expect to find from the loving, merciful God you have turned your back on—full, free forgiveness, and boundless mercy. But remember—true repentance is proven by confessing and forsaking the sin into which you have fallen. Words, dear reader, aren't enough—there must also be action. We sometimes hear that "its not enough to talk the talk if a person doesn't walk the walk".
Think about the mercy that was being poured out on the foolish centurion and those who had advised him to refuse the apostle's advice. "There shall be no loss of any man's life among you". Probably nobody on that ship (except perhaps for Aristarchus and Luke) expected to hear that! One moment all hope had been taken away, and the next, after being reminded why it was gone, God (using the apostle Paul as His channel of blessing) restores to them the seemingly most impossible thing to get back—hope!
Faithfulness and Forgiveness
But Paul, the servant of God is faithful as well as comforting. The comfort was that their lives would be saved—none was going to a watery grave in that raging sea. The faithfulness was in telling them that the ship would be lost. There is always a consequence for following a path of self-will. "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Gal. 6:7). Sometimes, we do, because of self-will and sin, lose something precious. There are consequences—scars—that can result from sin. God who lovingly forgives also faithfully judges.
Perhaps we can think of dear Lot as an example of this very thing. We will meet him someday in heaven. The Bible describes him (in 2 Peter 2:7) as just Lot. Yet poor Lot lost everything including his good name, because of the self-willed course he followed in life (you read the story of Lot in Gen. 12-19). Oh! Don't make the mistake of reasoning that because someday you will be in heaven with the Lord Jesus, for now you can live according to your own will. Daily seek grace that you might be preserved spirit, soul and body (1 Thess. 5:23).
Faith or Sight?
v 23, 24 "For there stood by me this night the angel of God, whose I am, and whom I serve, Saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must be brought before Caesar: and, lo, God hath given thee all them that sail with thee.”
No doubt while the frightened sailors and passengers were listening to Paul's words, they were intently watching the storm rage. Which would win—faith or sight? There was nothing they could see which supported or proved that what the apostle said was true. If they believed their eyes, the apostle was speaking (we say reverently) foolishly. However, faith in what this servant of God said, gave them confidence and hope.
In the midst of the raging difficulties of life, dear believer, allow faith to lay hold of God and His precious Word. Act in the spirit of thus saith the Lord (faith) rather than the spirit of we saw the children of Anak there (sight). Please see Num. 13:28.
Happy, Not Hopeless
v 25 "Wherefore, sirs, be of good cheer: for I believe God, that it shall be even as it was told me.”
It really is just that simple. Do you want to be happy and comforted in the midst of the difficulties that surround you, dear young person? The answer is obvious!
The key is to say I believe God (not circumstances, feelings, or what others think or say). And how can you know what to believe—how can you know for sure what God is telling you? By reading, meditating on and obeying His precious Word in faith. Remember what the little child said one time about faith? "God said it, that settles it, I believe it"!
Believe the goodness of God. Believe the infinite power of God. Believe the unfathomable love of God. Believe, beloved young Christian, that He is eagerly waiting for one of His erring children to turn around saying "I have sinned against heaven...". Believe that if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Believe and turn in true repentance back to God. You will be met by your Father who waits now, longing to bring blessing to you.
Whatever the seemingly hopeless condition of your life which has resulted from sin and self-will, He can and will bring about peace and joy. Our God is the God of all comfort and hope—the One and the only One who can and will bring light into a dark scene of misery and ruin. Oh! Do run to Him—do come back to Him—right now!