Pastors' Salaries.

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Your Pastor's Pay.
"I could shovel on the railroad and double my salary," said the anonymous moderator of a Western Presbyterian synod, as reported by The Continent. His salary is $83.33 a month (house free), and the salary has been the same for seven years.
"Well," someone may ask, "why doesn't he become a railroad fireman?"
The question shows a far too frequent failure to understand the minister's consecration. He is not working for $83.33 a month, or for ten times that; he is working for the infinite pay of immortal souls.
Would you have a pastor who was not? And yet would you meanly and selfishly take advantage of this noble spirit? Estimate the average yearly income of your church-members and compare it with your pastor's. Is the comparison one that you can afford to lay up against the great day of accounts?