“Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.” Psa. 37:5.
“Commit thy way,” O weeper—
The cares that fret thy soul—
To thine almighty Keeper;
He makes the world to roll.
When Paul Gerhardt had finished composing these verses, he went back to the inn. He told his wife about the sweet text that had come into his mind, and repeated to her the verses he had composed on it. She soon dried up her tears, and began to be as cheerful and trustful as her husband. The children were in bed and asleep. Gerhardt and his wife knelt down together and prayed, and they resolved to “commit their way unto the Lord,” and leave it for Him to “bring it to pass” as He saw fit. Then, after writing down his sweet verses, they went to bed.
Before they had dropped off to sleep, a great noise was heard at the door of the inn. It seemed as if some important person was knocking there. When the landlord opened the door, a man on horseback was standing before it. He said in a loud voice: “I am a messenger. I come from Duke Christian of Merseburg, and I am trying to find a preacher named Paul Gerhardt, who has just been banished from Brandenberg. Do you know whether he has passed this way?”
“Paul Gerhardt?” said the landlord: “why, yes. He is in this house, but he has just gone to bed. I cannot disturb him now.”
“But you must,” said the messenger. “I have a very important letter for him from the Duke. Let me see him.”
The landlord went upstairs and told Mr. Gerhardt, who came down to see what it was all about.
The messenger handed him a large sealed letter. To his great joy, he read in it that the good Duke Christian had heard how Gerhardt had been banished, and had written to him, saying: “Come into my country, Paul Gerhardt. You shall have a hall, and people, and a house and home, and plenty to live on, and liberty to preach the gospel just as much as you please.”
Gerhardt went upstairs and told his wife the wonderful news, and tether they praised God for His love. The next morning they started off light of foot and with glad and cheerful hearts to their new home.
“Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7.
ML 02/28/1965