I was employed in a hotel in the mountains, and had to wait on a very sick man in his room. One day he felt his end approaching and asked for a pastor. But the nearest pastor was a long distance off, and he happened to be away from home.
`Is there no one about who can give a word of comfort to a dying man?' he asked. I knew of no one.
`Waiter,' he said, and seized my hand, `say a good word to me.'
The perspiration rose to my forehead, but just then a splendid idea came to me. I rushed to my room. Down at the bottom of my trunk lay my dear mother's Bible. Her favorite verses were all marked. I read them one after another to the dying man, until I came to the verse, `God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.' John 3:16. This verse he asked me to read again and again.
`Waiter, you have brought peace to my heart, so that I can die quietly.'
Dear reader, the above verse has brought peace to many millions of hearts, will you not let it bring peace to your heart through your believing it fully?