Can we have abiding, abundant peace and rest with no disturbing element? Is it possible to have "peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ"? May we know it in a world of unrest?
Yes, it is blessedly possible. More than that, it is the true and proper portion of the Christian, and nothing less than this is right for any believer on the Son of God. We who trust hi Him can say: "Jesus our Lord was delivered for our offenses." That is the foundation on which all rests. Our offenses were charged to the Lord Jesus at Calvary. He bore the judgment on account of them and glorified God. "And [He] was raised again for our justification" (Rom. 4:25).
God has shown His entire satisfaction with what His beloved Son has done by raising Him from the dead, Christ is clear of our offenses. And we are clear! He is beyond death and judgment, and we are beyond death and judgment too.
“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 5:1). God having cleared us from every charge as to all our offenses, "peace with God" is our happy possession. Is it yours?