Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
The Chaldeans are so called
(Jer. 50:21; Ezek. 23:23).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
This name occurs in connection with Babylon, and is supposed to be a symbolical name, signifying “visitation” or “punishment,” associated with the name of Merathaim, signifying “of the rebels,” or “double rebellion.” That is, that Babylon should be visited by God “because of its rebellion” (Jer. 50:21). In Ezekiel 23:23 Pekod appears more as a proper name; but it is again associated with Babylon, and the three names Pekod, Shoa, and Koa are all judged to be symbolical names.
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
from 6485; punishment; Pekod, a symbolic name for Bab.
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
to visit
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Surveying; reviewing; to avenge or punish:―symbolical name for Babylon, Ezek. 23:23. {Lustratio}