BEING pardoned, and having peace with God, I now need a pattern to walk by as I go through this world on my way to glory; and the same blessed person through whom I have pardon and peace, becomes my pattern. “Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow His steps” (1 Peter 2:21); he that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk even as He walked (1 John 2:6); We become more and more like what we are occupied with. If we are occupied with the world, we become worldly; if with ourselves, selfish; but being occupied with Christ, we become Christ―like when I went to school I had a copy set me to write; being desirous of pleasing, I endeavored to copy the headline exactly: on looking at it my schoolmaster praised me for the first line, but found fault with the lines which followed, as being each one more unlike the headline. I assured him that I had done my best, when he kindly pointed out the secret of my failure: my first line was well written, because I had kept my eye steadfastly on the headline, which I failed to do in writing the second and following lines, and thus my copy grew worse and worse; since I have been converted I have profited by my school lesson, and have endeavored to keep my eye on the headline ― Christ.
“Oh, fix our earnest gaze,
So wholly, Lord, on Thee,
That with Thy beauty occupied
We elsewhere none may see.”
H. M. H.