Perfected for Ever

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THE "forevers" of the Epistle to the Hebrews are full of cheer to the people of God. In a peculiar way the Holy Spirit stamps "for ever" upon what Christ has done in His redeeming work, and does so in contrast with that which was effected by the sacrifices under the law, which " could never " take away sins; no, and never give rest of conscience to the worshipper, and never satisfy God about sin. One of our privileges as Christians is to set to our seals that God is true in all that He says respecting these words "for ever."
“He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." (Heb. 10:14.) Who the sanctified are we read in verse 10, "We are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once," and, as the apostle is writing to believers, such as believe are included in the “we " who are “perfected for ever."
Our state of feeling, our experience, our apprehension, are not in consideration by God the Holy Spirit when He says of us, "perfected for ever "—no, but Christ's work; " By one offering HE hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." So many regard the things which circle round the words " perfect" or "perfection " as in connection with the attainment or spirituality of the believer, that we really need to remind ourselves that when God the Spirit indicts these words, " perfected for ever," He is speaking solely of Christ's work upon the cross. The glory contained in the words belongs exclusively to Christ.
The humblest of God's people is perfected for ever, and in so far as he is set apart for God, there is nothing further to be done of any kind. When Israel was redeemed they were set apart from Egypt by the blood of the pass-over, and this being set apart was absolute. It could not be improved, it could not be weakened. It did not depend upon themselves, it was solely of God, through the blood of the paschal lamb. This perfection was to Israel a present and a continuous blessing, and so with the believer now—"perfected for ever" is a present, an unbroken, an everlasting blessing.
The word rendered “for ever” might be given as “in continuity." The believer is perfected now and right onwards to the end without any break.
Whatever may happen on his way home to God does not disturb the gracious perfection of Christ's work on his behalf, which must not be confounded with the Holy Spirit's work in him. He will have many a humbling occasion to recount, as well as many a deliverance to recall, but be the day ever so bright, or the night never so dark, what Christ has done for him by the one offering of Himself once upon the cross can never be moved.