“Perida” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(kernels). His children returned (Neh. 7:57).
“Peruda” From Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
Name of one of Solomon’s servants
(Ezra 2:55). [PERIDA.]
“Perida” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
One of Solomon’s servants, whose descendants returned from exile (Neh. 7:57). Called PERUDA in Ezra 2:55.
“Peruda” From Concise Bible Dictionary:
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
or Priyda {per-ee-daw'}; from 6504; dispersion; Peruda or Perida, one of "Solomon's servants"
KJV Usage:
Perida, Peruda
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
separation: seed (as separated)
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Separation; dividing; dispersion:―one of Solomon’s servants [PERIDA], Ezra 2:55. {Separatio}