Persistent Sagebrush

 •  3 min. read  •  grade level: 9
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"The Lord's portion is His people....He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; He led him about, He instructed him, He kept him as the apple of His eye." Deut. 32:9,10.
This verse speaks of the Lord's kindness to His people Israel as they went through the wilderness-the same kindness that He shows toward His people today. Not many of us actually live in a wilderness (although this evil world is like a desert to those whose true home is in heaven), but some have been through deserts in the western United States. Seeing the desert we might ask, "Can anything good be said about sagebrush?"
Travelers through the western parts of North America and Mexico are often amazed at the seemingly endless miles of land covered by this desert plant. In dry soil where nothing else will grow, under hot summer sun and cold winter snow, these plants are often the only living things to be seen. Many people think they are ugly and worthless.
But we should not be too quick to find fault with this small gray-green shrub which covers millions of acres. It is part of God's creation and not as useless as we might think. For one thing, it provides a home for a great number of animals, birds and insects. Many of these, such as the beautiful pronghorn antelope and some other species of deer, eat sagebrush as their main food source. Many other living things are under the cover of the sagebrush and are hidden. If we would sit quietly and watch closely, we would soon discover that it is home to jackrabbits and smaller animals, such as the kangaroo rat, gophers and many kinds of mice. Coyotes live in many parts of the country where sagebrush grows, catching the rodents that make their homes in this miniature forest. We might see a fox once in a while, too.
Many birds also make their home here. Sagebrush supplies both food and shelter for grouse, pretty pheasants and many small birds, which add to the charm of the desert with their songs. Snakes and lizards also live here along with many kinds of insects, both above and below ground. Late in summer this plant's pleasant-smelling, yellow blossoms attract bees, and the honey produced by them has an excellent flavor. Farmers who understand sagebrush know that where it grows big and tall the soil is good, and that there is moisture in the ground, making the location a good place to raise crops.
All things considered, this plant, though disliked by many, is actually another gift of the Creator and is needed for the lives of many of His creatures. As the Bible verse reminds us: "The Lord by wisdom bath founded the earth." Prov. 3:19. It is only through His wisdom and care that the needs of all living things are provided for.
We ourselves really have no wisdom unless it is given to us by God. Moses, who thought about this and knew a great deal about the foolishness of mankind, exclaimed, "O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!" Deut. 32:29. Have you made sure of your "latter end" (eternity), by accepting the Lord Jesus as your Savior?