It was a hot summer’s afternoon, and the ferry boat was moored alongside the dock while the line of cars was slowly driving on. One convertible had its top down, and inside was a lively little dog named Pete, along with all the family, out for the day.
They parked in the outside line on the ferry, and the water gurgled and splashed beside them. Soon the landing board was lifted, the great horn blew, and the ferry was moving across the river.
Pete had never seen anything like this before and thought the water looked delightfully cool as it swished by. Suddenly before anyone could stop him, he had taken a leap straight out of the car and over the side of the ferry, right into the water.
The children all shouted at once, and as quick as thought Dad jumped out of the car and dashed to the rear of the ferry. Just as Pete drifted past in the wash of the ferry and out into the swift-flowing current, Dad managed to grab him by his collar and haul him out of the water. Pete was landed safely—a sadder but wiser pup, we think, and fortunate to be rescued.
All on board the ferry congratulated Dad on his prompt action, but Pete had not realized what danger he had thrown himself into, and even if he had, he could not have saved himself from the fast-flowing river.
Perhaps, dear young reader, you have not yet realized the seriousness of being a sinner, for we are all sinners in God’s sight, and you will learn that you can do nothing to save yourself. Then turn to the Lord Jesus now. Call upon Him—He is a strong and wonderful Saviour!
“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Rom. 10:13.
“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isa. 59:1.