Most children love to have pets, and our picture this week reminds us of it as the dear little girl is carrying the two little pups, while mother Shep shows her deep interest, and is not a bit troubled about the care her little ones are having. She knows the little girl will not hurt them.
It is good for us to look at such a scene and think of the love and care God has planted in the heart of animals as well as in the human breast. He would have us be kind and gentle to all. These characters were seen in all their perfection in the Lord Jesus.
Have you ever thought of what a happy state there would be in this world if all were like the Lord Jesus? Towards others, He ever manifested gentleness, love and care, and when any treated Him badly He never resented. Quarrels would never come if there were no harsh words spoken; nor if harsh words were spoken and a soft answer was returned.
The Scripture says:
While it is good for us to seek to cultivate these traits, let us remember such will not make us fit for God’s presence. There is nothing but the blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, can blot out our sins. In order to be fit for God’s presence, we must come to God through Jesus, and He gives us Eternal Life; a life by which we are able to please God, and He will give us grace to manifest that life, and thereby be more like the Lord Jesus in all our ways.
ML 07/05/1931