Philippians 3:11: Answer

Philippians 3:11  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
Phil. 3:11. Is not the apostle to be understood here as longing to know more of the power of the life which he already had in Christ, since resurrection (as commonly understood) in no sense depends upon attainment? Will the editor kindly give his thoughts on the passage in connection with the preceding and following context? “Beta.”
Paul is presenting us in the context with true Christian experience, of which resurrection from the dead by the presence of God is the goal. Verse 11 does not make that resurrection dependent on our efforts, but shows that it was so blessed an end to the heart of the apostle that he did not mind what the pathway (“if by any means”) might be which lay between; yea, rather, he desired and valued the fellowship of Christ's sufferings, instead of seeking some easy road. “Attain” here simply implies that one had not as yet reached the prize in view.”