Boyd’s Bible Dictionary:
(house of Tum). A store-city of Egypt, built by the Israelites (Ex. 1:11).
Concise Bible Dictionary:
One of the store-cities built by the Israelites for the Pharaoh “who knew not Joseph” (Ex. 1:11). It has been identified with Tell Maskhuta, on the west of the Suez Canal, 30° 35' N, 32° 11' E. In these ruins bricks have been found in some of which no straw can be discovered.
Strong’s Dictionary of Hebrew Words:
of Egyptian derivation; Pithom, a place in Egypt
Jackson’s Dictionary of Scripture Proper Names:
mouth of integrity
Potts’ Bible Proper Names:
Very great space; a dilation of the mouth:―a store-city of Egypt, Exod. 1:11. {Spatium maximum}