Kat had many friends. In fact, there were seven girls and four boys in the family where she lived, and they all loved her. Besides the people who loved her, there were mice in the barn and saucers of milk in the house, so why should she be called poor Kat? Wait till I tell you her story.
One of those girls was Frances. She especially loved Kat and carried her around by the tummy with her back legs dangling. This did not seem to bother Kat. If necessary, she had a very loud “meow,” but she did not run away and very quickly would turn on her purring machine. They were all best friends.
But when I was there, Kat had not eaten for several days. She just sniffed her saucer of milk without one single lick. Her meow was faint and feeble and her purr was gone completely. Poor Kat! She certainly had a problem.
Life isn’t always smooth for anybody, not even you or me. We have our problems too. I wonder if you know what to do with them? Kat’s friends might have helped, but she couldn’t tell them anything. However, you can. You can talk and tell your friends your problems, and maybe you’ll get help, and maybe you won’t. But I know Someone who has promised to help you, because He loves you very much. And Jesus keeps ALL His promises. One of them is Romans 10:13: “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Of course, He knows the difference between just talk and reality. He knows if you are calling to Him because you really feel your need. His ear is listening to your call. Jesus died to save you. That’s how much He loves you. Come and see how He keeps His promises.
But poor Kat could not tell anyone her problem. Bill was a big brother, and it was not until Bill stroked the soft fur that he found the elastic band around Kat’s neck. Frances had put it there, just playing, and it disappeared in Kat’s fur. It couldn’t be that important. It was just for fun.
Just for fun? Do you think it is just fun if you take God’s name in vain or tell little lies or fight at home? These things disappear like an elastic band in fur, but God says that “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23), and God keeps His promises.
Have you discovered your sin problem? Then we will tell you what to do about it, if you really mean it. Just right where you are, tell the Lord Jesus your problem. He is ready to wash away those sins in His precious blood, because it was for those very sins that He died. Little sins? God does not call our sins little. God had to give His only Son for even one sin to be washed away. How can we answer, “I don’t care!”
It took Bill less than a minute to get that elastic band off Kat’s neck. And it took Kat most of the day to get her tummy filled up and to purr her thanks and to settle into her first comfortable sleep for many days and nights.
Those little sins are probably out of sight in your life, but they are taking you on the road to eternal hell. Will you let Jesus save you right now? You have the power to call to Him. He is listening, and you will find that He keeps His promises.
“The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).