Popery and Pantheism

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
Popery knows how to make use of the loosening of men's minds from the authority of Scripture, which is now so extensively going on. Infidelity in every form is only negative in its character. But the human mind is not formed to find a rest in negative conclusions. If the authority of Scripture is undermined as the standard of truth and ground of appeal, Popery stands ready with its traditionary claims as the depositary of truth; while its dogma of infallibility seems to present an anchoring ground to minds that are drifting they know not where. Pantheism and Romanism are equally tolerant of each other. It has been well said that, " Romanism, under cover of mysticism, reserves a place for Pantheism." Pantheism has been used to say, and is now saying aloud, " Inasmuch as the mass of mankind-the herd, high and low-must and will have a dogmatic belief of some sort, and must have an ostentatious worship, Romanism supplies both in a mode that is well adapted to satisfy the instincts and to meet the prejudices of the unthinking many." Nothing but adherence to the divine word will secure from the one or the other of these evils of the present day, but this will. " Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." (Rev. 3:10.)