Positive Redemption

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 13
"Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus," is not mere justification from sins, but actual deliverance- entire redemption. Thus in the figure of Israel it was a question between God and Pharaoh-"Let My people go." It is real, positive redemption, not merely a forgiveness, but Christ has brought us out free from all the title Satan can have against us, or power he can have over us, according to the righteousness of God, and for Him. If I buy a slave, he is mine, and no one can have any right over him, and that is true with regard even to our poor bodies; they are to be free from Satan's power; God will have us entirely for Himself by the work of Christ, and that according to His own holy nature and life, and His divine righteousness in judgment. Not even the smallest particle of our dust shall main in Satan's kingdom, and this is why redemption is mentioned last in 1 Cor. 1:30, as it is brought out too in the similitude, as to this; of Israel in Egypt. It is one thing for them to be screened from the destroying angel by the blood on the doorposts in Egypt, and another and very different thing for them to be brought clear out of Egypt by the passage of the Red Sea, thus being entirely delivered from the power of Pharaoh, And more than this, Christ has broken and destroyed all the power of death by which Sa-, tan held us, and taken him captive, whose captives we were, and made us who were Satan's captives, the vessels of God's power and testimony against Satan.