I was one day walking along a road at what I thought at the time was a good pace. Presently I heard some one overtaking me, and in a moment or two a man, much smaller in stature than myself, caught me up, and easily passed me. Seeing one so small making better progress than I was, immediately stirred me to put forth more energy, and of course, being the taller of the two, I quickly overtook the little man, and as quickly left him behind. He had not slackened his pace, but I had practically doubled mine.
“Your zeal hath provoked very many” (2 Cor. 9:2).
Is there not a lesson for us in this, dear fellow believer? Of prominent gift we may have but little. We may be small in stature. But if what we have is made the most of, we are bound to be, not only a blessing ourselves, but an encouragement to others who have perhaps far more ability, but who are faltering through discouragement. We never know how far-reaching our influence is. “Your zeal hath provoked very many.” Many eyes are upon us, dear friends. Let us be zealous, therefore, in everything, and our reward will be great. Our opportunities will soon be gone. Today is all we have. May we be stirred up then to increased energy in the interests of our Lord, of His saints, and of poor, perishing sinners.