It is as being pronounced clean, through the efficacy of the seven times-sprinkled blood (Lev. 4:6) that we are commanded (2 Cor. 7:1) to cleanse ourselves. It is a sorrowful, and very humbling work, very mortifying to the pride of our hearts, to find all our ways, and our natural comeliness, yea, our very selves too, all defiled by the leprosy of sin. That in us, that is to say, in our flesh, dwelleth no good thing.
This is the sorrowful lesson we are now learning through the seven days of the present dispensation; but the remembrance of our High Priest, of His finished work, of the sweet assurance that all who believe are clean, and the joyful expectation of the eighth, the Lord’s day, when He shall come again and present us faultless, will sustain and encourage us to persevere.