ALL believers, from the oldest to the youngest, need to be practically maintained in the Christian truths they may have learned, “lest at any time they should let them slip” (Heb. 2:1).
Unless the truth is maintained in the soul in living power it will surely be lost sight of (see 2 Peter 1:9).
The truth of the present dispensation can be viewed from God’s side and from man’s.
From God’s side all is perfect, and there can be no change. “The gifts and calling of God are without repentance” (Rom. 11:29).
From man’s side there is either progress or departure. If there is to be progress there must be maintenance. Which shall it be?
There are three important conditions which are necessary for the health and progress of our souls after we have received the forgiveness of our sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
We need spiritual food, healthy, moral atmosphere, and spiritual warmth.
The food for the soul is the word of God. Jesus said, quoting from the book of Deuteronomy, man shall live “by every word of God” (see Luke 4:4). In this much watchfulness is needed, so that nothing should be allowed which would spoil the appetite for the reading of the Holy Scriptures.
The reading of religious or profane novels, or the gratification of self in ways that would damage the desire for reading the Word or prayer, should be set aside as worse than unprofitable. They cause spiritual weakness rather than strength departure rather than decay.
Then with regard to spiritual atmosphere, where our souls can breathe freely, it is only found in the company of the Lord’s people. We read of some of the early Christian disciples who, when their enemies had let them go, “went to their own company” (see Acts 4:23). There they found fellowship in the Lord’s things, because believers in those days were very separate from the world. The atmosphere of worldly company is very harmful to any believer who wishes to enjoy spiritual blessings while he is in this world. How many believers have got irreparable loss through worldly company!
Then there must also be the warmth of Christian affection. Nothing grows without warmth. The apostle Paul nineteen hundred years ago wrote about “the comfort of love” (see Phil. 2:1), and this is still to be known and sought after.
This love flows from a pure heart (see 1 Peter 1:22), that is, with no mixed motives, but only what is prompted by the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Jesus said, “By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:35), and we also read, “Follow after love” (1 Cor. 14:1, N.T.).
If the necessity of these things is seen, they will be diligently sought after and carefully cultivated. Let us sum them up―
1. Good food, and an undamaged appetite to enjoy it.
2. The atmosphere of good company, with separateness of walk from worldly society, so that we are kept pure (see 1 Tim. 5:22).
3. Then the genial warmth of Christian affections, which promote growth and enlargement of heart towards the Lord Himself.
These things always attend enjoyed Christian liberty, and by following them we avoid those things which always bring the Lord’s people into bondage. God has made every provision for His people being happy in their souls while passing through this world, and when they reach the end of their journey the Lord Jesus will faithfully do that part of His work which yet remains, for Him to do. He will receive us to Himself individually, or catch us all up together at His coming Oh to love Him more, and serve Him better! G. W. GY.