Beloved brother and sister in Christ,
We are living in the most blessed era of TIME-and also the most challenging. In this day we find ourselves among many who are discouraged and giving up. Apostasy as a dark cloud is sweeping over this poor world. In Hebrews 10:25 we read, "exhorting one another and so much the more as ye see the day approaching." I would like to apply another verse too, in Luke21 :28, "and when these things come to pass, then 'look up' and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh." Dear fellow pilgrims, we are on the threshold of our Lord's return. In that day, only those things that have been done for His Glory will abide.
God has provided us with everything to complete our earthly journey successfully, and of course, all those things are found in Christ alone. ("Ye are complete in Him") Col.2:10. God's people, Israel, were delivered by God out of Egypt to be brought into Canaan (the promised land), which was God's purpose for them. The wilderness, however, though not in His purpose, served a very important part of Israel's history, preparing them for this Promised Land. In the wilderness they learned what was in their own heart, that of ruin and failure, murmuring, complaining, and rebellion. They also learned what was in the heart of God, how He could act in grace in spite of their pitiful condition. See Deut. 8:2, '2 :7.
How much more we, in our day, can rejoice, because our Canaan has been secured for us by Another, Whose blood has been shed as that Perfect Sacrifice, accepted by God, and we too, have been "accepted in the Beloved." Our standing is absolute and secure. However, we are still on this earth with these earthly bodies and an old sinful nature, and though it is to be reckoned dead, we discover it to be very much alive, and sorrow because of it. This is our state and the fluctuating condition of our soul. To try to correct this condition in our own strength only makes matters worse. See Romans 7. The only solution is "through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 7:25. One dear old brother used to tell us "never try to love the Lord more than you do, but occupy your heart with how much He loves you and your love will respond accordingly." God's love to us produces happiness in our hearts; our love to Him produces holiness in our hearts. He is seeking worshipers!
Since the Lord Jesus has committed us into the hands of the Father for safe keeping (John 17: 15), we are assured that He will bring us safely Home, but He wants us to be a Happy People displaying His love and grace as we wait for His sure return. "Give diligence to make your calling and election sure; for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall, for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter I: I 0-II. Our sincere prayer to God is that this collection of "SPIRITUAL GEMS'' may help each of us to receive that ABUNDANT ENTRANCE. May God bless.
Much love in Christ,
Your brother through grace alone,