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The contents of this book can be summed up as practical applications from the life of Caleb. He was a man who trusted, endured, and conquered. He fully followed the Lord, believed God’s promises, and valued his inheritance. From a slave in Egypt, to a wanderer in the wilderness; from a brave and faithful spy, to overcoming the enemy and taking possession of his inheritance in the land of Canaan, the story of Caleb is one of faith, vision, and courage. He toiled rigorously in the shadows of the pyramids, traversed the hot sandy wilderness, and eventually dwelt in the lush hill country of Judah. He lived to see the promises of God fulfilled in his own life, his people established in the land, and tremendous blessing in his family. He experienced and knew the joy of obedience and reliance on Created with Bible Mapper Lead on, almighty Lord,
As we contemplate this ancient record it should surely stir our hearts and lead us to act as Caleb did — in the energy of faith taking possession of that which God has declared He has given to us in Christ. No foe can withstand the man of God who presses forward in power of the Spirit and in obedience to the Word. Such a faith was Caleb’s and in this he is an example for us all. We are too apt to take the line of least resistance, to be content with that which seems the easiest thing instead of valiantly going on in faith to lay hold of the best that God has for us, no matter what difficulties may seem to make it impossible for us to overcome the foe and to enter into and enjoy our allotted portion.
Saviour, we long to follow Thee,
Daily Thy cross to bear,
And count all else, whate’er it be,
Unworthy of our care,
O teach us so the power to know
Of risen life with Thee;
Not we may live while here below,
But Christ our life may be.
Little Flock Hymn Book #278
“Exalt Christ ... Say little, serve all, pass on. This is true greatness, to serve unnoticed and work unseen. Oh the joy of having nothing and being nothing, seeing nothing but a living Christ in glory, and being careful for nothing but His interests down here. ” J. N. Darby. On one occasion the Bible expositor, and writer of many Scriptural commentaries, William Kelly, was asked, “What makes one Christian more spiritual than another?” His reply was, “Their appreciation of the person of Christ.”
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound!
That saved a wretch like me:
I once was lost, but now am found:
Was blind but now I see.
Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come:
’Tis grace that brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
J. Newton
“There is a great difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing Him ... If we only know of Jesus as a good man, a great example, it is no help to us. Those who know Him know Who He is. When we know Him everything is different and we are living in a new world — a new atmosphere. Heaven begins on earth for us. Those who know Him know that Jesus is everything to them. They can bear witness because they have been living with Him ... If we live in Him He will reveal Himself to us and we shall bear witness — not for a day or a night only ... ”
Lead on to victory:
Encouraged by Thy blessed word,
With joy we follow Thee.
We follow Thee, our Guide,
Who didst salvation bring:
We follow Thee, through grace supplied
From heaven’s eternal spring.
Till of the prize possessed,
We hear of war no more,
And, O sweet thought! forever rest
On yonder peaceful shore.
Little Flock Hymn Book #3124.1
God, while he As we contemplate Jehovah lifted up His rod —
Oh Christ, it fell on Thee!
Thou wast forsaken of Thy God;
No distance now for me.
Thy blood beneath that rod has flowed:
Thy bruising healeth me.
-Little Flock Hymn Book #13
7this ancient record it should surely stir our hearts and lead us to act as Caleb did — in the energy of faith taking possession of that which God has declared He has given to us in Christ. No foe can withstand the man of God who presses forward in power of the Spirit and in obedience to the Word. Such a faith was Caleb’s and in this he is an example for us all. We are too apt to take the line of least resistance, to be content with that which seems the easiest thing instead of valiantly going on in faith to lay hold of the best that God has for us, no matter what difficulties may seem to make it impossible for us to overcome the foe and to enter into and enjoy our allotted portion saw Important Places in Caleb’s Life all around him the folly and sad Saviour, we long to follow Thee,
Are you dear saint, a conqueror,
A soldier for the Lord?
Do you, by faith now overcome,
Through Christ, our great reward?
Have you the enemy thus met,
Through Him who meets each need?
And found in Him a sure resource,
By which you can succeed?
A conqueror each saint can be,
By Jesus’ power alone,
And overcome with victory,
Through Christ the Living Stone:
By Him we live, by Him we move,
In Him, is all we need,
To meet the enemy and win,
And by His might succeed.
On one occasion the Bible expositor, and writer of many Scriptural commentaries, William Kelly, was asked, “What makes one Christian more spiritual than another?” His reply was, “Their appreciation of the person of Christ.” “There is a great difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing Him ... If we only know of Jesus as a good man, a great example, it is no help to us. Those who know Him know Who He is. When we know Him everything is different and we are living in a new world — a new atmosphere. Heaven begins on earth for us. Those who know Him know that Jesus is everything to them. They can bear witness because they have been living with Him ... If we live in Him He will reveal Himself to us and we shall bear witness — not for a day or a night only ... ”
Jehovah lifted up His rod —
Oh Christ, it fell on Thee!
Thou wast forsaken of Thy God;
No distance now for me.
Thy blood beneath that rod has flowed:
Thy bruising healeth me.
-Little Flock Hymn Book #137
Lead on, almighty Lord,
Lead on to victory:
Encouraged by Thy blessed word,
With joy we follow Thee.
We follow Thee, our Guide,
Who didst salvation bring:
We follow Thee, through grace supplied
From heaven’s eternal spring.
Till of the prize possessed,
We hear of war no more,
And, O sweet thought! forever rest
On yonder peaceful shore.
Little Flock Hymn Book #312
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound!
That saved a wretch like me:
I once was lost, but now am found:
Was blind but now I see.
Through many dangers, toils, and snares
I have already come:
’Tis grace that brought me safe thus far,
And grace will lead me home.
J. Newton
“Exalt Christ ... Say little, serve all, pass on. This is true greatness, to serve unnoticed and work unseen. Oh the joy of having nothing and being nothing, seeing nothing but a living Christ in glory, and being careful for nothing but His interests down here. ” J. N. Darby
Daily Thy cross to bear,
And count all else, whate’er it be,
Unworthy of our care,
O teach us so the power to know
Of risen life with Thee;
Not we may live while here below,
But Christ our life may be.
Little Flock Hymn Book #278
results of disobedience and unbelief. He was a man who had, what is referred to in this day and age as, stick-to-itiveness. In other words, he possessed persistence and determination; qualities that were channeled for the glory of God, an appreciation and holding fast of the truth, and the blessing of others.
Caleb has always been one the writer’s favorite Bible characters. It is with prayerful consideration that the remarks and meditations of this book will endear him to the readers heart, and more than that, draw the affections out to Christ, that each one of us, like this dear man of old, might be able to honestly say, at the end of our wilderness journey: “I wholly followed the Lord my God” (Joshua 14:88Nevertheless my brethren that went up with me made the heart of the people melt: but I wholly followed the Lord my God. (Joshua 14:8)).