It has been our endeavor in the following pages to impart reliable information upon the external form and internal contents of the matchless volume of inspiration, to furnish help on points and questions of a Biblical character, to record statements and facts, and to present a, condensed but accurate account of the various English translations of the Sacred Scriptures from the days of Wycliffe to the publication of the recent revised New Testament.
We are satisfied from personal knowledge that the Holy Ghost come down as a person from Christ in glory (John 7:39), has been creating in the souls of thousands of saints deep and earnest longings to know more of God and of His blessed Word. The Holy Scriptures are pouring out their inexhaustible treasures to the Spirit-taught and prayerful reader, while the number of “Bible Readings” are increasing to an extent unprecedented hitherto.
In view of the deep and spreading interest in all that relates to the Word of God, and further as a protest, however feeble, against the religious infidelity now so unhappily current in the professing Church, we have prepared “Our English Bible,” with its histories and other helps.
It was in the conviction that the book would prove a blessing and aid to many that we undertook the service. We now lay it down at the Master’s feet as a lowly tribute of love to Him, and of service to His saints, for whom the writer cordially and fervently prays that “grace, mercy, and peace from God, the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior,” may be multiplied.
W. S.