The great bulk of the prophecies of the Old Testament refer to the coming of the Son of God into this world as Man in order to be the Redeemer. They refer to His Person as God and Man, the place and manner of His birth, the wonder of His life, and above all His death and its sacrificial meaning and His glorious resurrection. We append a few of these prophecies and their fulfillment.
He was to be born in Bethlehem. Mic. 5:2. Fulfillment. Luke 2:46־.
He was to be born of a virgin. Isa. 7:14. Fulfillment. Matt. 1:18-25.
He was to be sold for thirty pieces of silver. Zech. 11:12. Fulfillment. Matt. 26:14,15. This money was to be cast to the potter. It was to be silver and thirty pieces, and thrown down in the house of the Lord. Fulfillment. Matt. 27:3-10.
His hands and feet were to be pierced. Psa. 22:16. Fulfillment. John 20:24-29.
His side was to be pierced. Zech. 12:10. Fulfillment. John 19:34-37.
His garments were to be divided among the soldiers, who crucified Him, and for His vesture they were to cast lots. Psa. 22:18. Fulfillment. John 19:23,24.
They were to give Him gall and vinegar as He hung on the cross. Psa. 69:21. Fulfillment. Matt. 27:34·
He was to be buried in a rich man's tomb. Isa. 53:9. Fulfillment. Matt. 27:57-60.