Proverbs Fifteen

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 22min
Proverbs 15
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IT is impossible for man to estimate aright the power for good or evil that lies in the tongue. A kindly, gracious word will often disarm a most ill-tempered and wrathful man; while a sharp, cutting remark has frequently separated friends dear to each other for years, until some trivial circumstance arose which might have been turned to an occasion for grace and forbearance on the part of each had love been ruling.
1 A soft answer turneth away wrath:
But grievous words stir up anger.
2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright:
But the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.
It is considered unmanly by many not to resent an insult, and to allow wrathful words to pass unchallenged; but it takes far more true character to meet an angry man in quietness of spirit, and to return cool, calm words for heated, hasty ones, than it does to give railing for railing, or malice for malice. The latter bespeaks a man who does not yet know how to rule his spirit; the former, one who has his personal feelings in subjection. Grievous words but add fuel to the flame, while a gracious demeanor will go far towards cooling the angry passions of another.
The wise man knows how to use knowledge so that it shall be for profit; knows, too, when to speak and when to be silent. The fool is always ready with a retort, whether it be fitting or not.
In Gideon’s answer to the men of Ephraim we have a precious example of the soft answer that turneth away wrath, and the wisdom that uses knowledge aright.
In Jephthah’s reply to the same people we are given to see a sad illustration of the folly of using in such a case the grievous words that stir up anger (Judges 8:1-3; 12:1-6).
3 The eyes of Jehovah are in every place,
Beholding the evil and the good.
How comforting is this truth to the weary heart, who, like poor Hagar in the desert, feels abandoned by all save One, but can say with assurance, “Thou, God, seest me”! To know that His eyes are on all our ways is sweet indeed when there is confidence and hope in Him. But for the wicked to know that he can never hide from those all-seeing eyes is perhaps the most terrible thing he has to face. Nor need it be wondered at, when it is remembered that He who beholds all is the Holy and the True! It is sin unrepented of that makes it so dreadful a thing to be under the eye of God. He who acknowledges his guilt, and bows in repentance before Him, need no longer fear, for sin confessed is sin removed, through the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ. David’s musings in Psa. 139 form a precious commentary on this verse.
4 A healing tongue is a tree of life:
But perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.
How much more common is the tongue of perversity than the healing tongue! The one separates brother from brother, and makes breach upon breach; the other binds together, giving cheer and gladness, and is as a tree of life to those who meditate upon its utterances. The healing tongue is the tongue of the peacemaker. The perverse tongue belongs to him who sows discord among brethren. May it be ours to covet the former and flee the latter.
Abraham possessed the tongue of healing when he said, “Let there be no strife, for we be brethren” (Gen. 13: 8). Sheba the son of Bichri by his hasty tongue caused division and dissension in Israel and brought judgment on his own head (2 Sam. 20).
5 A fool despiseth his father’s instruction:
But he that regardeth reproof is prudent.
The young man is very apt to consider his knowledge superior to that of his father, forgetting that you cannot leap over many years’ experience. It is the part of folly not to learn from one who has been over the path before you. To regard reproof and thankfully accept correction is an evidence of true wisdom. Contrast Manasseh with his father Hezekiah (2 Kings 18 to 21).
6 In the house of the righteous is much treasure:
But in the revenues of the lawless is trouble.
See note on chapter 14:24. The true riches are found in the house of the righteous. Whatever other revenue may accrue to the evil-doer, he shall have trouble and sorrow in large measure. See Achan (Josh. 7:19-26).
7 The lips of the wise disperse knowledge:
But the heart of the foolish doeth not so.
In place of idle jests and unkind speeches, the lips of the wise spread abroad what is for profit and blessing—the true knowledge that edifies the hearer. The foolish can only utter what is in his heart and benefits no one, but really harms. Paul and Elymas at Paphos fitly illustrate both sides (Acts 13:6-12).
8 The sacrifice of the lawless is an abomination to Jehovah:
But the prayer of the upright is His delight.
9 The way of the lawless is an abomination to Jehovah:
But He loveth him that followeth after righteousness.
“They that are in the flesh cannot please God.” The sacrifice of the wicked, together with all their ways, is but evil in His sight. Before He can accept aught from the sinner, there must be repentance—a bowing of soul before Him—seeking His face in sincerity. When there is integrity and uprightness of heart He will manifest His favor, for He delights in those who follow righteousness.
It is of all importance that the sinner be brought to realize that, having gone out of the way, he has become altogether unprofitable. The Lord asks nothing from him, can accept nothing from him, till he first receives the gift offered him from heaven—the Lord Jesus Christ. When He has been received by faith the whole life will be changed, and loving service to God will be most acceptable and very precious in His sight. But it will be the fruit of the new life, not the labor of one toiling for that life.
It will be seen at once, in the light of the verses before us, how contrary to Scripture it is to ask unconverted men to give of their means to support the work of the Lord, or to make sacrifices for Christ’s sake. All they can do or give will be stained with sin and unfit for His holy presence. See Psa. 66:18.
10 Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way:
And he that hateth reproof shall die.
11 Sheol and destruction are before Jehovah:
How much more then the hearts of the sons of men?
12 A scorner loveth not one that reproveth him:
Neither will he go unto the wise.
“All things are naked and open before the eyes of Him with whom we have to do,” and “He is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” The unseen world, which to man is dark and hidden, is all open before Him. He alone searches the hearts of men, and tries the reins. When they refuse correction His eve is observing their perversity, and He will see that they are judged according to their works. It is only the scorner who resents correction and reproof, and hence avoids the wise, lest his evil ways be called in question. But One he cannot avoid. With Him he must have to do whether he will or no. Solemn indeed will be the accounting for opportunities refused, instruction neglected, and grace despised. See the wise and foolish builders of Matt. 7:24-27.
13 A glad heart maketh a cheerful countenance:
But by sorrow of heart the spirit is broken.
The happy man is the one who has a heart at rest, and who can therefore rejoice at all times. Such a one is the soul who has found in Christ not only a Saviour, but a daily portion. He who casts all his cares upon Him, who has learned to commit all his affairs into His hand, will ever have a glad heart and a cheerful countenance. A burdened heart is the portion of the one who tries to carry his own sorrows and daily cares, and fails to turn all over to Him who so delights to bear them for us. Nothing breaks the spirit like hidden grief; but such need not be the portion of any saint who will allow the Lord Jesus to be not only his Sin-bearer, but his Burden-bearer too. See Paul in Phil. 4.
14 The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge:
But the mouth of fools feedeth on foolishness.
Our food has much to do with making us what we are. The same is true of us morally. We become like that on which we feed; and we feed on what our hearts crave. The man of understanding values knowledge, and devotes himself to its pursuit. The fool cares not for that which would build true character and draw him from his evil ways, but feeds on folly and vanity, thus becoming all the time more empty and foolish than before.
Let the young Christian ponder this well. Have you learned to know Christ? Then leave behind forever the flesh-pots of Egypt. Do not attempt to feed the new life on the world’s trashy literature and its sinful pleasures. If you do, there will be no real growth, and a moral and spiritual breakdown is sure to follow. But if you set the Lord before you, and find your food in His Word and what is for edification, you shall grow in grace and in the knowledge of the truth. Imitate David (Psa. 119:103, 104), Jeremiah (Jer. 15:16), and Job (Job 23:12). Do not allow yourself to fall into the ways of the mixed multitude (Num. 11:4-9), who lost their appetite for angels’ food by lusting after Egyptian dainties.
15 All the days of the depressed are evil:
But he that is of a cheerful heart hath a continual feast.
This connects intimately with the thirteenth verse. One who is depressed and gloomy himself sees every day full of causes for grief and dismal foreboding. It is a wretched way to live, and indicates lack of confidence in God. When the heart is cheerful, all days are bright, and the soul has a continual feast. This is not frivolity, but that holy joy which results from tracing everything that is permitted to come upon me back to God. Habakkuk entered into it in large measure (Hab. 3:17, 18).
16 Better is little with the fear of Jehovah,
Than great treasure and trouble therewith.
17 Better is a dinner of herbs where love is,
Than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.
The one who has found his joy in the Lord can well understand the dear old saint who spread upon his humble board a bit of bread, an onion, and a glass of water, and then joyfully thanked God for “all this and Jesus”! Better, far better, is it to have little on earth, and to know Him and abide in His fear, than to have great treasures and varied luxuries, coupled with trouble and hatred. So thought Daniel and his companions when they refused to defile themselves with the king’s meat (Dan. 1).
18 A wrathful man stirreth up contention,
But he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.
Of this the first verse of our chapter has already reminded us; but we may well have it brought before us again, for we take so long to learn. A wrathful man is of necessity a proud man; otherwise he would not be so easily stirred by what touches himself. A lowly man will be slow to anger, for he has learned not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, and therefore will not readily resent insults and offenses. Contrast the spirit displayed by Saul and David (1 Sam. 20:30-34; 24:8-22).
19 The way of the sluggard is as a hedge of thorns:
But the path of the upright shall be made plain.
Difficulties abound in the mind of the slothful man. His way seems hedged up by thorns, and he has all manner of excuses for not acting at once according to what he knows is right and suited. The upright, learning his duty, presses on, and finds his way made plain before him as he takes one step after another.
If God commands, I have simply to obey. He makes Himself responsible to clear the obstacles from my path, or to give me the ability to overcome them. Hear David’s notes of triumph in Psalm 18:29 and 2 Samuel 22:30. How unhappy the contrast in the case of the ten spies! (Num. 13.)
20 A wise son maketh a glad father:
But a foolish man despiseth his mother.
Compare with Proverbs 10:1. A wise son gladdens the heart of his father by heeding instruction and practicing virtue. A foolish man considers himself superior to his mother, and ignores her loving advice and helpful counsel. See Proverbs 30:17.
21 Folly is joy to him that is destitute of heart:
But a man of understanding walketh uprightly.
Delighting in iniquity, determined to have his own way despite every warning and entreaty, the fool plunges on, rejoicing in his folly. The man of integrity, subjecting himself to the fear of God, walks in uprightness, refusing to be decoyed by sinful pleasures and fascinations. See notes on verses 16 and 18 in the previous chapter.
22 Without counsel purposes are disappointed:
But in the multitude of counselors they shall be established.
See the note on chapter 11:14, and compare 24:6.
He is a wise man indeed who cannot well afford to counsel with men of intelligence and experience concerning matters of moment, particularly where others are likely to be widely concerned. See Paul and Barnabas in Acts 15.
23 A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth:
And a word spoken in season, how good is it!
The answer that leaves no regrets will be a word spoken in its season. True words are not necessarily seasonable ones. Many a sorrow and heartache has been caused, both to the speaker and others, by repeating what in itself was true enough, but which should never have been passed on to a third party. But a word in season is precious and helpful, refreshing to the hearer, and giving joy to the one who utters it, After the idle speculations of the three friends of Job, how seasonable was the answer of Elihu!
24 The way of life is above to the understanding,
That he may depart from Sheol beneath.
Sheol is the world of spirits-the unseen. It refers not to the place of future punishment only, but to what was, even to the children of God, before the Cross, a land of darkness beyond the grave. And, inasmuch as long life was a blessing promised to the faithful Hebrew, an early cutting off from this present life was a calamity to be dreaded. Hence the way of life could be said to lead away from Sheol beneath, Those who trod it would be preserved to an honored old age in the land given by God to His earthly people. Hezekiah’s ease aptly illustrates the state of mind in regard to death which was common among truly pious persons in the past dispensation. See Isaiah 38 and 2 Kings 20.
25 Jehovah will destroy the house of the proud:
But He will establish the landmark of the widow.
“Though the Lord be high, yet hath He respect unto the lowly: but the proud He knoweth afar off” (Psa. 138:6). His face is ever set against those who exalt themselves; but from of old He has been the support of the fatherless and the widow who confided in His love and care. He would have His needy people trust His grace more implicitly, assured that His heart is ever towards them. But the haughty and self-inflated have no title to His consideration and loving-kindness. Their house shall fall, and their pride be withered up. Contrast the judgment on Coniah’s house (Jer. 22:30) with the Lord’s care of the widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:10-16).
26 The thoughts of the evil are an abomination to Jehovah:
But the words of the pure are pleasant sayings.
Already we have considered the Lord’s estimate of the sacrifice and way of the lawless. We now learn that the very thoughts of the evil-doer are also an abomination to Him “who is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity.” But the conversation of the pure is pleasant in His sight, as being the outflow of a heart exercised unto godliness. We see both classes in John 6:68-71.
27 He that is greedy of gain troubleth his own house:
But he that hateth gifts shall live.
Bribe-taking has been a snare to which those whose place it is to sit on the judicial bench, and those called as witnesses, have ever been exposed. Greed and covetousness have proven the undoing of many such, to the ruin of themselves and the shame of all who bear their name. The hater of gifts—that is, the one who resolutely refuses to be bought (for in such a case the “gift” is really his price)—shall live.
The soldiers who guarded the tomb of our Lord were silenced by bribes, to their eternal dishonor (Matt. 28:11-15). Samuel could challenge Israel to testify to his integrity on this very line (1 Sam. 12:3, 4). See chapter 29:4.
28 The heart of the righteous studieth to answer:
But the mouth of the lawless poureth out evil things.
The man who walks in the fear of God will weigh his words, lest by a hasty utterance he dishonor his Lord and hinder where he desires to help. The wicked has no such consideration, and speaks whatever comes to his lips, let it do what harm it may. People often actually pride themselves on being, as they suppose, frank and outspoken, when in reality they are simply manifesting the unexercised state of their consciences: for, if truly aroused to the value of words, they would weigh them well ere giving them out, and thus save much mischief and sorrow. Because a thing is true, it is not necessarily a fit subject to be discussed, and passed on from one to another. The righteous will consider carefully its bearing for good or ill before uttering what can never be fully recalled. Contrast Elisha with the sons of the prophets at Jericho (2 Kings 2:15-18).
29 Jehovah is far from the lawless:
But He heareth the prayer of the righteous.
The lawless have no title to expect anything from Jehovah; He makes no pledge to heed their cry. When the day of their distress comes they find none on whom to call. Of old, when idolatrous Israel turned to Him in their troubles, He refused to be entreated of them and referred them to the gods they had served, in order that they might realize what it meant to have turned the back upon Him.
But He has pledged Himself to hear the prayer of the righteous; and with Him to “hear” is to answer. The man who delights himself in God when all is bright will find Him a Friend nigh at hand when darkness enshrouds the soul. But let him not forget that it is written, “If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” (John 15:7). See Joshua at Gibeon (Josh. 10:12-14).
30 The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart:
And a good report maketh the bones fat.
The gospel of the glory of the blessed God is such a “good report.” “Faith cometh by hearing (by, a report), and hearing (or, the report) by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17). Precious as light to the eye when one has been groping in darkness, is this grand report to a soul that has been longing for deliverance from a burdened conscience.
The good report sent from heaven to men in their sins, is concerning God’s Son, Jesus Christ, “who was delivered for our offenses, and raised again for our justification.” It is a Person who is presented to man in the gospel. When He is trusted, and His work apprehended, it does indeed rejoice the heart, “making the bones fat.” See the jailer of Philippi (Acts 16:29-34).
31 The ear that heareth the reproof of life
Abideth among the wise.
32 He that refuseth admonition despiseth his own soul:
But he that heareth reproof getteth understanding.
33 The fear of Jehovah is the admonition of wisdom;
And before honor is humility.
See note on verse 10. He who is humble enough to be thankful for correction when going astray, shall remain among those whom Jehovah esteems as wise.
The instructed of earth are often too proud to receive an admonition. Fancying themselves superior to him who would, in the fear of God, reprove them when in error, they disdainfully turn away; but in so doing show that they despise their own souls.
It is only those who hear reproof who get understanding. Abiding in the fear of the Lord they own it is the part of wisdom to acknowledge their mistakes and faults, and so to receive admonition as coining from Himself, for “before honor is humility.” He who takes the lowly self-forgetful place will be lifted up in due time. See Joseph’s remarkable history (Gen. 37-50).