Proverbs Seventeen

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 25min
Proverbs 17
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WE are carried back to verses 16 and 17 of chapter 15, as we take up the first of the wise sayings in the present section:
1 Better is a thy morsel, and quietness therewith,
Than a house full of sacrifices with strife.
It will be remembered that portions of the peace offerings were eaten by the offerer and his friends. These are the sacrifices referred to. Such a feast would be supposed to indicate great piety on the part of the host and his intimate associates; but if marred by discord and contention, it lost all its precious character. A dry morsel with peace and quietness was much to be preferred to such an unbecoming celebration.
In some such manner had the Corinthians misused the Lord’s Supper, making it an occasion for a common feast, where strife and party spirit raged. The apostle, rebuking them, bids them eat their own meals in quietness at home, that they come not together to condemnation (1 Cor. 11:17-22).
2 A wise servant shall have rule over a son that causeth shame,
And shall have part of the inheritance among the brethren.
A dependable servant is better than a misbehaving son. The latter can only rightly blame himself if his wronged father give him but an insignificant allowance, or cut him off altogether; while the servant who has been faithful in the performance of his duties is remembered as one of the household. But after all no hired servant can give the joy to the heart of a father that is afforded by an obedient son. See Eliezer (Gen. 15:2, 3).
3 The fining pot is for silver,
And the furnace for gold:
But Jehovah trieth the hearts.
Trials and afflictions are, for the saints of God, what the fining pot and furnace are in the purifying of precious metals. “Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: that the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honor and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 1:6, 7).
The refiner of silver and the purifier of gold know just what heat is necessary to purge away all dross, and will take care that just the right amount be permitted. So with our God and Father. He desires to free us from the base things of earth, and He allows us to pass through the fires of affliction for that end. But it is precious indeed to know that He sits by the fining pot, waiting till His own image be reflected in the soul; and He walks in the furnace with His persecuted children. See the sons of Levi and the three Hebrew children (Mal. 3:3; Dan. 3:19-26).
4 A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips;
And a liar giveth ear to a naughty tongue.
When the heart hides iniquity, the ear readily gives heed to lying lips and an evil tongue. The upright in heart learn to know the voice of the deceiver, and to refuse his words; but the unjust and false soul readily falls in with those who are like himself. See the people of Judah and the lying priests and prophets (Jer. 5:30, 31).
5 Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker:
And he that is glad at calamities shall not be held innocent.
Compare with chapter 14:21. The Lord has left the poor always with us that we might be stirred thereby to kindness and consideration for those in less agreeable circumstances than our own. To mock and lightly esteem them because of their poverty is to reproach Him who has permitted our circumstances to be so diverse.
When calamity comes upon another, if, in place of loving sympathy, we cherish gladness in our hearts because of their griefs, an impartial Judge is looking on who will see that we are visited in our turn. God’s complaint as to Edom was his rejoicing over Israel’s punishment. As a result, he too was to be dealt with in judgment. See Obadiah 12-16.
6 Children’s children are the crown of old men;
And the glory of children are their fathers.
God sets the solitary in families. The aged find their youth renewed in their children’s children; while the young revere their fathers, and honor them by obedience to their instructions. This is the ideal household, where government is administered according to God, and love ruler all hearts. Happy the home where the divine pattern is exemplified. See Jacob and the sons of Joseph (Gen. 48:8-22).
7 Excellent speech becometh not a fool:
Much less do lying lips a noble.
Good words from the mouth of an evil man are distasteful and out of place, for the life fails to back them up. There is a sense of dissimulation about them that is very repugnant to an upright soul. On the other hand, noblesse oblige (rank imposes obligation). Falsehood coming from one who is looked up to as a leader of the people is even more to be decried. Men feel instinctively that he who leads others should be real himself. They will overlook lack of ability, an absence of brilliancy, or of natural or acquired talent; but unreality they will never forgive. It was this sense of the fitness of things that made men ask in derision, “Is Saul also among the prophets?” when his lips uttered “excellent things” (1 Sam. 10:10-12). The same feeling has caused the unconverted to remember with scorn Abraham’s denial of his wife. The very fact of his exalted position causes his sin to be the more marked (Gen. 20:1-13).
8 A gift is a stone of grace in the eyes of him that hath it:
Whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth.
A gift presented as a token of pure affection and esteem will be highly valued by its possessor, and will pave the way for much that is of value. He who would find love, should be a giver—not a mere receiver. But see verse 23. Jonathan’s gifts to David cemented their friendship by expressing the love that was in his heart (1 Sam. 18:3, 4).
Spiritually, we are reminded that Christ has ascended on high and given gifts unto men—not to be used for self-aggrandizement, but to be of service to the Church. Rightly employed, however, the gift truly will be a store of grace, giving acceptance to him who has it, among those who value what is of God.
9 He that covereth a transgression seeketh love;
But he that repeateth a matter separateth very friends.
See remarks on chapters 10:12; 11:13; and 25:23. He who covers transgression is an imitator of God, and will be loved by all. He who repeats a matter to the detriment of another, takes for his pattern that evil spirit who is called “the accuser of our brethren.”
To cover a transgression, however, does not mean to make light of sin and allow iniquity to go unrebuked in another. It is, on the contrary, to go to the erring one personally in tenderness and brotherly kindness; to seek to exercise his conscience as to that in his course which is bringing dishonor upon his Lord. If such a mission is successful, the sin should never again be mentioned. It is covered, and none other need know of it.
Alas that this is so seldom carried out among us! Evil is spread abroad; backbiting goes on in secret; and thus many are defiled, love wanes, and fellowship is destroyed.
The one who goes about repeating things for which there is no real necessity, is in a wretched business indeed. He separates true friends by his detestable practices, and casts reproach upon the name of the Lord. It is a pity the people of God are not more awake to the evil character of the talebearer. He should be shunned as a polluted leper who will defile all who listen to him.
God alone can safely hear the sad story of a brother’s shame. Into His ear it can all be poured, coupled with earnest prayer for the restoration of the one who has gone astray. To persist in retailing accounts of evil-doing to fellow-saints is but to distress and injure those who are persuaded to listen. Few indeed are the men who can eat the sin offering in the holy place, and who, hearing of a brother’s wrongdoing, will take it to heart, and make it an occasion for self-judgment and confession on their own part to the Lord.
Someone has said, that, if tempted to relate unsavory things of an absent person, it is well to ask mentally three questions: Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary? To these a fourth might well be added: Have I told him about it personally? We fancy the effect of this would be to shut off an immense amount of sinful gossiping.
Nathan was one who could reprove in the fear of God, and cover when repentance was manifest (2 Sam. 12). In Sanballat we see the typical whisperer endeavoring to separate Nehemiah and his brethren by shaking their confidence in his integrity (Neh. 6).
10 A reproof entereth more into a wise man
Than a hundred stripes into a fool.
Chastise the fool severely, and he maintains his self-complacency still; but gently reprove a wise man, and he will take it to heart. The one is so thoroughly enamored of his own poor judgment that he can conceive of none more capable than himself. The other realizes his own limitations, in measure at least, and is thankful for advice and correction. Contrast Abimelech and Herod (Gen. 21:25, 26; Luke 3:19).
11 An evil man seeketh only rebellion:
Therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him.
12 Let a bear robbed of her whelps meet a man,
Rather than a fool in his folly.
13 Whoso rewardeth evil for good,
Evil shall not depart from his house.
Nothing galls a haughty, insubject man more than to be held in restraint by lawful authority. He breathes the air of treason and rebellion; therefore he must be dealt with in severity. To contend with him is like battling with an enraged beast that has been robbed of its offspring. He will repay good with evil; therefore evil shall not depart from his house. “He that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.”
Note the ways and doom of Joab when he became lifted up in his own eyes (1 Kings 2:28-34).
14 The beginning of strife is as when one letteth out water:
Therefore leave off contention before it becometh vehement.
A leak in a dike that could be stopped with a pebble, if noticed at the beginning, will, if neglected, grow greater and greater until, at last, the inrushing waters will carry all before them. So it is with strife. How many a lifelong contention has begun with a few hasty words, which, if repented of and apologized for at once, would have been healed immediately, and years of sorrow averted. The Spirit of God has said, “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath” (Eph. 4:26). If this simple rule were literally obeyed, what untold heartaches would be avoided! Happy the man who lays his head upon his pillow nightly with the knowledge that there are no hasty actions or angry words unrepented of and unconfessed to any who have been offended, and who might have been alienated forever if the breach had not been made up at once in the fear of God. When days and weeks of charges and countercharges are succeeded by months of crimination and recrimination, reconciliation is a hard and difficult matter to bring about. Far better is it to humble oneself and take wrong, if need be, at the beginning, than to grieve the Holy Spirit of God and lacerate the hearts of beloved saints by a long period of un-Christlike wrangling which will leave wounds that never can be healed; or, if healed, scars that never can be effaced. See Paul and Barnabas (Acts 15:35-40).
15 He that justifieth the lawless,
And he that condemneth the just,
Even they both are abomination to Jehovah.
To justify the wicked and to condemn the righteous is to call evil good, and good evil (Isa. 5:20). Jehovah would have judgment according to truth. What is opposed to this is an abomination. Observe that to justify necessarily means to clear, or to declare righteous; not, as some theologians would have it, to make righteous. God justifies the ungodly on the basis of Christ’s finished work; that is, He clears guilty sinners of every charge when they trust His Son, turning to Him in repentance. Making such to be practically upright in their lives is a different thing. It results from justification, but it is not that in itself. This is a distinction of vast importance if we would understand aright the Christian doctrines of grace as set forth in the letters to the Romans and the Galatians.
Here, to justify the lawless is to wink at sin and to pass by iniquity without a suited atonement; while to condemn the just is to impute evil where it is not found. To so do is intolerable in the sight of Him who is the righteous Judge. This was Pilate’s dreadful sin, when, in order to please the people, he released Barabbas and condemned Jesus, albeit declaring His innocence a few moments before (Matt. 27:24-26).
16 Wherefore is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom,
Seeing he hath no sense (lit., heart)?
It is useless for one who does not set his heart upon the acquisition of wisdom to endeavor to learn it by rote. No price can purchase it, if the senses be not exercised to discern between good and evil. A fool may grasp certain forms of knowledge, by dint of study and intellectual application; but this is a very different thing from having the reins of the being possessed by understanding. We only know truth as we walk in it. See Simon Maus (Acts 8:18, 19).
17 A friend loveth at all times,
And a brother is born for adversity.
Involuntarily the Christian’s heart turns from any human example, however true and devoted, and calls up one Friend whose love the many waters of judgment could not quench, neither could the floods of wrath drown it. Our Lord Jesus Christ is that Friend, whose love changes not, and who is preeminently a Brother born for adversity.
In thus writing of Him, one would not for a moment countenance the mawkish sentimentality which so forgets the dignity of His person as to call Him our “Elder Brother,” and apply to Him similar unscriptural titles. But as a devoted brother can be depended on in the day of adversity, so can He be ever counted upon in the hour of need and trial. “Having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end” (John 13:1).
“His is an unchanging love,
Higher than the heights above;
Deeper than the depths beneath,
True and faithful, strong as death.”
It is unspeakably precious for the soul to abide in His love. If one doubt come in to obscure the full splendor of His undying affection, joy and peace will give place to gloom and foreboding. But when nothing is permitted to hinder the enjoyment of that perfect love that casteth out fear, life is sweet indeed, and communion with Him dearer far than any human friendship can afford.
There is no question but that many saints have trusted Him as their Saviour, who do not really know Him as a living, loving Friend—One who enters into all their griefs and would share all their joys. It is when He is known in this character that the difficulties of the pilgrim path can be faced with equanimity, and the heart can confide in Him in every hour of trial. See Proverbs 18:24.
18 A man bereft of heart striketh hands,
And becometh surety for his friend.
See notes on Proverbs 6:1-5; 11:15. It is the lack of sound judgment that leads one to go surety for another in the light of the repeated warnings of the word of God; unless, indeed, he is quite prepared to lose, and can well afford it. “Heart” is used throughout this portion of the Scriptures very much as, in everyday language, we speak of common sense. It must be so understood here. (See verse 16, above.) Paul went surety for Onesimus, as Judah did for Benjamin; but each had counted the cost, and was ready to pay the uttermost farthing (Philemon 18, 19; Gen. 42:37; 44:32).
19 He loveth transgression that loveth a quarrel:
And he that exalteth his entrance seeketh destruction.
20 He that hath a froward heart findeth no good:
And he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief.
There are those who delight in contention, and who thereby manifest their love for their own ways, being impatient of restraint. In their haughtiness, they make high their gates, thus inviting destruction; for, exalting themselves, they are near to a fall. Having a froward heart, they find only evil, their perverse tongues continually stirring up mischief. Ha-nun, proud and defiant, had to prove this to the full, as narrated in 2 Samuel 10.
21 He that begetteth a fool doeth it to his sorrow:
And the father of a fool hath no joy.
Such a verse requires no comment. It is an unhappy fact; so patent, that all may realize it. David’s grief over Absalom is proof of its truthfulness (2 Sam. 18:33). See also ver. 25.
22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine:
But a broken spirit drieth the bones.
See Proverbs 15:13, 15. Nothing breaks the system like gloom and melancholy. When the heart is filled with joy, the whole being is refreshed thereby. The merriment of the Christian is far more real than the mere frivolity of the worldling. He is able in all circumstances to rejoice in the Lord, and thus be lifted above what would depress and weigh down the soul. Then, in place of manifesting his happiness in the empty ways of the world, he can sing and make melody in his heart unto the source and object of his gladness. “Is any merry? let him sing psalms” (James 5:13). The man of the world has to resort to various expedients to relieve his uneasiness and rouse his spirits. Hence his eager participation in all kinds of diversions; the object of which is to enable him, for the time being, to forget. On the contrary, it is when the child of God remembers his place and portion in Christ that his joy overflows. Contrast the different states of the unknown writer of Psalm 116 when occupied with himself, and when faith soared up to God.
23 A lawless man taketh a bribe out of the bosom,
To pervert the ways of judgment.
Secretly the lawbreaker, conscious of his evildoing, would endeavor, by a gift, to bribe those who are called to sit in judgment on his crimes. Such a course is a tacit acknowledgment of guilt. It is hard indeed to deal faithfully with a man to whom one is indebted for a favor. Therefore the need of sternly refusing ought from those who are bent upon a sinful course. It was when the king of Babylon sent letters and a present to Hezekiah that even so godly a king as he was taken off his guard, and acted without seeking counsel of Jehovah, as he had so readily done when it was a letter of blasphemy he had received (Isa. 39:1, and contrast chapter 37:14).
24 Wisdom is before him that hath understanding
But the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth.
Concentration of mind upon the one great object of gaining the knowledge of the Lord, and walking with Him; this is the wisdom that absorbs the man of understanding. The fool, with no settled purpose, wanders aimlessly here and there, tasting of various theories, getting a smattering of everything, but all to no purpose. Of such are those against whom Paul warned Timothy, men who “heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears,” but who, after all, have no heart for the truth of God (which alone is wisdom), so are turned unto fables, “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” The very opposite was that which characterized the great apostle himself, who could say, “One thing I do!” (See Phil. 3:13.)
25 A foolish son is a grief to his father,
And bitterness to her that bare him.
See chapter 10:1, and notice verse 21, above. The young man is not the only, nor by any means the greatest, sufferer, when he throws discretion to the winds, and plunges into folly and vice.
The poignant grief of his father’s heart, and the bitter disappointment of his mother, are sorrows too deep for words to express. To have brought into the world one who despises their love, and overleaps all restraint, is terrible indeed. Alas, that it so little affects the haughty, stubborn heart of the wayward youth who plunges recklessly on, adding grief to grief, and woe to woe! See the stubborn and rebellious son of Deuteronomy 21:18-20.
26 Also to punish the just is not good,
Nor to strike nobles because of uprightness.
The perversion of justice on the part of the prince who punishes the good man, or on the part of the subject who strikes the noble because of his uprightness, are alike evil. Neither is rare in this world, for it has been a common thing to take vengeance on innocent men in order to shield guilty ones, and to revolt against God-fearing princes because their peaceable ways were opposed to the lawless, restless spirit of the age. See the account of Ishmael’s assassination of the upright prince, Gedaliah, and then his massacre of the fourscore men from Shechem, Shiloh, and Samaria. lest they make his crime known (Jer. 41:1-7).
27 He that hath knowledge spareth his words:
And a man of understanding is of a quiet spirit.
28 Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise:
And he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.
See notes on Proverbs 12:23 and 15:2. It is the simpleton who is always babbling. The man who has knowledge will not be continually airing his acquirements. He is of a quiet spirit, and can bide his time. A man who must always be talking is generally one whose grasp of things in general is very slight; and, among Christians, an ever-running tongue certainly is no commendation to the discerning. He whose knowledge is limited is esteemed wise when his words are few. One who lives in the fear of God sets a value upon words that the careless soul cannot understand; for he remembers that “for every idle word that men shall speak they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.” Even that which he has experienced of God’s love and favor is not always to be told lightly to others. Paul seems to have kept for fourteen years the secret of his having been caught up to the third heaven, till a seasonable time came to relate it (2 Cor. 12:1-7). Note the self-control of Elisha in this respect when going out after Elijah (2 Kings 2:3).