In February, 1994, a series of articles titled “Simon Patrick on Proverbs 1683” was begun in the Christian Treasury. We thought it would be well to reintroduce our readers to the author of this verse-by-verse commentary of Proverbs by printing part of the preface to this work, which he dedicated to her grace, the Duchess of Monmouth. The preface states in part: “The excellence of this book is best understood by the serious perusal of it; which will discover it to be a magazine of all sorts of wisdom: full of golden sentences and moral precepts, in all things that concern our conversation in this world, as among all the profane philosophers and poets, there is not to be found so rich a storehouse of natural wisdom, agreeing with the will and divine wisdom of God.”
Simon Patrick was Dean of Peterburgh and Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majesty. The editor of the Christian Treasury has an original print copy (1683) of this book from which the material presented in the Christian Shepherd has been taken. It was originally printed in an “Old English” typeface using archaic English spelling. (That is, the word “Duchess” appears as “Ducheff.”) Patrick used the King James Version of the Bible in his work.
The editor of the Christian Treasury and his dear wife have rewritten the old text, word-forword, changing spelling where necessary to make the text understandable for readers today. We plan, Lord willing, to continue printing excerpts from each chapter until the complete work has been covered. Its simple explanations of the proverbs are needed as much today as when printed 314 years ago.
In an article titled “Proverbs Wisdom From Heaven,” brother C. Buchanan has written: Proverbs “is a book of heavenly wisdom for an earthly pathway.... We find here the best advice that can be given.... It directs parents in the training and education of their children, and in the management of family life.... Precepts about well-doing and direction for our whole life are found here. ‘Love her [wisdom], and she shall keep thee’ (Prov. 4:6).”