Psalm 146

Psalm 146  •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 10
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This note of praise rehearses the vanity of man and of all confidence in him, which surely now, in this day of the closing history of man’s world, will have been abundantly proved. But it celebrates, on the other hand, the blessing of him who has the God of Jacob for his help and portion. The Spirit enlarges on the excellencies of the God of Jacob, and ends with repeating the call to praise Him.
We may observe, how much loftier are the songs which close than those which of old opened the ways of God. The work of creation was the only theme for the “morning stars” and the “sons of God” then. But now the Lord, the God of Jacob, has gathered praise in other acts than in that of creation—His keeping of truth, His executing of judgment, His feeding the poor, loosing the prisoner, healing the blind and the oppressed, loving the righteous, preserving the stranger, and reigning in His Zion forever—these are new and honorable praises for the Lord of heaven and earth.
These beautiful Psalms are the earth’s or Israel’s expression of that same joy which is heard in heaven thus—“The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign forever and ever” (Rev. 11:15).
Israel’s joy will lead and secure earth’s joy, for the king of Israel is God of the whole earth (Isa. 54); and what will their recovery be but life from the dead? (Rom. 11). “Scenes surpassing fable and yet true” will then be witnessed. And in words often enjoyed, I may close this meditation—
“One song employs all nations, and all cry—
Worthy the Lamb, for He was slain for us!
The dwellers in the vales and on the rocks
Shout to each other—and the mountain tops
From distant mountains catch the flying joy,
Till, nation after nation taught the strain,
Earth rolls the rapturous hosanna round.”