This beautiful little psalm is one of the best known passages in the Word of God. Perhaps many of you reading this would be able to quote the whole passage by heart. We learn that our God who loves us is tenderly leading us as His dear sheep.
The place that He leads His sheep is one of peace, happiness and blessing. Those who are following the Good Shepherd closely need not fear the path, though it may seem dark at times. Every need we have is fully supplied by our kind and loving Shepherd, and we have confidence that He will be with us for each day of our lives.
Now we will rest a little, while you find the following verses.
1. A person is saved by believing in his ____________ that God has raised Jesus from the dead. Romans 10:___
2. We prove our ____________ to the Lord Jesus by obeying His commandments. John 14:___
3. Those who know and love the Lord Jesus, and listen for His voice, are sometimes called His ____________ . John 10:___
4. The Apostle Paul desired the Thessalonian Christians to be at ____________ with one another. 1 Thessalonians 5:___
5. Real love for the Lord Jesus will cause a believer to be willing to lay down his ____________ for his brethren. 1 John 3:___
Philippians 4:19