Psalms 52

Psalm 52  •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 8
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The faith of the godly remnant in the presence of the antichrist, exposing his true character, challenging his power, and foretelling his doom, while, for themselves, they trust in the mercy of God, and wait for His deliverance.
(vs. 1) The opening verse presents the antichrist―the lawless one―boasting in evil (JND), and in the place of power as a “mighty man.” Such an one may have the appearance of carrying all before him for a time; nevertheless, evil will not be allowed to endure, whereas the goodness of God will abide.
(vv. 2-4) There follows a description of this evil man as seen by the godly. His words may, to the unwary, appear fair; but they are devised to work mischief, like a sharp razor that cuts before one is aware. Thus he will be marked by “practicing deceit” (JND). Moreover he loves evil rather than good; as the apostle, at a later date, foretells that antichrist will be opposed to “all that is called God.” Further, he loves “lying rather than to speak righteousness;” as again the apostle says he will be marked by “all deceivableness of unrighteousness.” Moreover his words are “devouring words” that overcome with a “strong delusion” those that come under his sway (cf. 2 Thess. 2:3-12).
(vs. 5) The psalmist foretells the overwhelming and final judgment of this wicked man, who will be rooted up out of the land of the living (cf. 2 Thessalonians 2:8; Rev. 19:20).
(vv. 6-7) The judgment of this lawless one is followed by the exultation of the righteous at the overthrow of one who opposed God, and trusted in the abundance of his riches.
(vv. 8-9) In contrast to the wicked, the godly, instead of being rooted up from his dwelling place (vs. 5), will flourish “like a green olive tree in the house of God.” Such will “trust” in the mercy of God forever and ever; will “praise” God forever, because of what He has done; and will “wait” upon all that God is, as expressed by His Name. Thus to “trust,” and to “praise,” and to “wait,” is the good which is before God’s saints.