The description of the wicked and their devices; the retributive judgment that will overtake them, leading to the fear of God, and the joy of the righteous in the Lord.
The psalm looks on to a future day when the evil of the world will come to a head, and be publicly dealt with by the judgment of God, leading all men to fear God.
(vs. 1) The psalm opens with the prayer of the godly man to be preserved, not only from the enemy, but from the fear of the enemy.
(vv. 2-6) The psalmist spreads out before God the evil devices of the enemy, realizing that the wicked are taking secret counsel against him. Moreover, moved by the secret counsels of the wicked leaders, the “tumultuous crowd” (JND) is hounded on to execute these secret plans. The crowd is urged on by sharp and bitter words against all that is of God; like a flight of arrows shot at venture. Slanderous charges are made without scruple or remorse. The wicked encourage one another in evil. Not only do they shoot the secret arrow of slander, but they lay snares to entrap the godly. They speak with fair words, and affect pious motives in order to obtain their evil ends. In their self-confidence they think that none will see the evil plans that, with deep duplicity, they have diligently devised.
(vv. 7-8) Nevertheless, acting without fear (vs. 4), and thinking that none can see their snares, they forget God to whom all is open, and who can read “the inward thought of every one of them,” however deeply hidden in the heart. The God to whom all is known, will bring upon them retributive judgment. The arrow they had used against others, will strike them; the bitter words used against others will fall upon themselves.
(vv. 9-10) The judgment of the wicked will lead all men to fear God, and consider His works. The righteous will be glad in the Lord, trust in the Lord, and exult at the overthrow of the wicked.