"Pump and Pray, Pray and Pump"

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A sea captain once stood up in a prayer meeting to tell of God’s goodness to him and his crew and of how He answers the cry of His own. Said he:
“We were overtaken by a severe gale, and were in very great danger. The wind blew a perfect hurricane, and in the midst of this our ship sprung a leak. The water was rushing in on us rapidly. It seemed as if we must certainly go down in a short time. The men worked hard at the pumps. Still the water gained on us. Death stared us in the face. I ran down into the cabin, and offered a short prayer to Jesus to save us. The Bible was lying on my table. I opened it to see if I could find something to comfort me. My eye rested on these words:
“‘Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness.’ Isaiah 41:10.
“I closed the Bible, and said, ‘Thank God. That’s enough.’ I ran up on deck and told the men what I had been doing, and the sweet words I had just read in God’s blessed Book. I said, ‘Men, I don’t think we are going down this time. I feel sure God will help us. Now, my lads, let’s pump and pray, and pray and pump.’
“And they did it with a will. And, by God’s help, we got our vessel safe into Cork harbor.”
ML 06/28/1959