QUESTION.—As truly hoping in the mercy of God, and desiring in all things to please Him, but finding daily failure in myself, how may I obtain the help of His Spirit? L. D. N.
ANSWER.—Judging from the earnest tone of your letter we cannot doubt the reality of the Spirit's work in your precious soul. What' you want now is settled rest of conscience in the finished work of Christ, and rest of heart in Himself as an object to fill and satisfy you forever. We judge you are quickened, but not yet sealed. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty"; but you do not seem to be at liberty. Further, where the Spirit of God is there is power; but you do not seem to have power. We trust you may soon be led into the full blessedness which is treasured up for the believer in Christ. You must be led to the end of self in every shape and form, to give up your own righteousness, your own doings, your own feelings, in short, everything of yourself, and accept a full Christ. Then you will be "sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession." (Eph. 1:13, 14). EPH 1:13-14 All true believers are thus sealed. The Holy Ghost is the seal which God puts upon all those who truly believe in His Son. (2 Cor. 1:21, 22). We must distinguish between the work of the Holy Ghost, and His indwelling. The former is seen in the very first dawn of true conviction or repentance. The latter is connected with simple faith in a risen and glorified Saviour, "In whom also, after that ye believed, ye were sealed." The former is called in 1 Peter 1:2, "sanctification of the Spirit." The latter is His personal indwelling in the believer.
(Acts 19:1-6). C. H. M.