Questions for August

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 13
THE questions for the remaining months of this year will be upon the history of St. Peter as it is told in the Gospels and in the Acts. The questions will also occasionally require reference to the Bible generally, and more especially to the two Epistles of Peter.
Although the "disciple whom Jesus loved" does not, as we have seen, even once call himself by name in the Gospel written by him, yet those who have so patiently and carefully studied that Gospel during the past five months, while searching for answers to the questions, must have learned, by comparing it with the other Gospels, a great deal about the writer. They have also traced the history of the apostle James. One more in the group of apostles so often mentioned together remains for us to study-reverently, for he was a most honored servant of Christ, chief among the apostles-and diligently, for we know that all that is recorded about him was written for our learning.
We should remember that the apostles, though they had the wonderful blessing of being the Lord's chosen companions during those three years when He went about doing good—though they saw His mighty works and heard His gracious words—were yet men living in the world, with their likes and dislikes, eager but hasty spirits, proud yet timid hearts, just like men living in the world to-day. By forgetting this, we lose the lesson which we should learn through seeing how graciously their Master bore with them.
As you trace the tender, watchful ways of the Lord Jesus Christ with the apostle Peter, remember that it is the very same Jesus now in heaven with whom you have to do. No one is so interested in all you do, and to whom you can take your hearts and your lives, day by day, telling Him, as the hymn says—
“Not half the story,
But the whole.”
One word to those who have not much time, and to those who may be ill, and so find it difficult to answer all the questions. Do not be discouraged, but just answer as many as you can, and leave the rest.