1. (a) In which gospel have we the account of the apostle Peter's first interview with the Lord Jesus? (b) To whom did he owe more than to anyone else in the world? (c) The word Simon means “hearer.' As Jesus gave a name to James and John, so He gave a name to the brother of Andrew. What was it? and what did it mean? By what name does Peter call himself in his Epistles? (d) In what character did St. Peter know the Lord when he was first brought to Him? —2. (a) Where were the brothers Simon and Andrew when the Lord said to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men"? and what was their occupation? (b) Can you tell where their early home was? (c) Where do we read of "the house of Simon and Andrew"? and what happened there? —3. What can you tell of the history of Simon's brother, Andrew? (You will find it chiefly given in the gospel by John.) —4. (a) When did Peter find himself in the presence of the Lord of glory, who had power over all creation? (b) What effect did the sight of the greatness of the Lord produce in Peter? (c) By whom were the words, "Now mine eye seeth Thee; wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes," once uttered? (d) What was the effect of beholding the glory of the Lord upon the prophet Isaiah? (e) Ezekiel? (f) Daniel? —5. (a) Although Peter felt his unfitness to be in the presence of the greatness of the Lord, he did not go away from Him. How did Jesus comfort him? (b) When did the Lord speak the same reassuring words to the beloved disciple? —6. The promise to Peter that he should catch men (take them alive) was repeated. When was it fulfilled? —7. Mention two occasions on which Peter confessed that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God. —8. (a) Peter was generally the first to speak. Give some instances of this. (b) Mention an occasion upon which, in his eagerness, Peter proved not a rock, but a stumbling-stone.