NOTE: At the end of the year rewards for the three most satisfactory series of answers to these questions will be given as follows:
First Reward: A copy of the "New and Concise Bible Dictionary," Cloth edition.
Second Reward: A copy of J. N. D.'s New Testament. Cloth.
Third Reward: A copy of the music edition of "Messages of Love" hymn book.
Always Give Scripture for Answers, as well as Your Own Expressions.
1. Where is the first mention in the Word of the Lord's coming for His saints?
2. Where is the second mention of it?
3. To what church did Paul write two letters in every chapter of which the Lord's coming again is mentioned? Give references.
4. What is meant by the word "rapture," as applied to Christ's coming?
5. Will it be in the daytime or at night that the rapture will take place?