Questions for October

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 9
NOTE.—As a reward to the young Christians sending in the most satisfactory series of answers to these thirty-five questions, a first, second, and third reward will be given, as announced in the June number of “The Young Christian.”
Always give Scripture for answers, as well as your own expressions.
21. What ordinance is connected with the mention of the Lord’s return?
22. What important change in translation should be made in 2 Thessalonians 2:2? (See J. N. D.’s New Testament or the revised version.)
23. What does Peter refer to in 2 Peter 1:16, when he speaks of the “coming of our Lord Jesus Christ?”
24. Explain Revelation 12:5.
25. What does the word “lived” in Revelation 20:4 mean?
Answers to Questions for August.
11. In body. Acts 1:11.
12. Forever. 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
13. With Him, for we shall never for a moment be separated from Him. 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
14. Come up hither. Revelation 4:1.
15. Four and twenty elders. Revelation 4:4.