
“When He giveth quietness, who then can make trouble?” —Job 34:29.
“HE giveth quietness.” O! blessed Saviour,
Whose homeless feet have pressed our paths of pain,
Whose hands have borne the burden of our sorrow,
That in our losses we might find our gain.
“Of all Thy gifts and infinite consoling’s,
I ask but this: in every troubled hour
To hear Thy voice through all the tumults stealing,
And rest serene beneath its tranquil power.
“Cares cannot fret me if my soul be dwelling
In the still air of faith’s untroubled day;
Grief cannot shake me if I walk beside Thee,
My hand in Thine along the darkening way.
“Content to know there comes a radiant morning
When from all shadows I shall find release;
Serene to wait the rapture of its dawning —
Who can make trouble, when Thou sendest peace?”