Recent Developments in Russia

Narrator: Chris Genthree
Duration: 8min
 •  6 min. read  •  grade level: 11
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The meeting of the foreign ministers of India, China and Russia in New Delhi, India, on February 14, 2007, signaled increasingly closer ties between the three nations. In addition, it is clear that Russia especially is very keen on trilateral cooperation between these three large countries and has fostered the idea of greater consultation between them. No doubt all three are seeking to follow foreign policies that increasingly serve their national interests, but it is Russia which probably has the most to gain from strong ties with India and China. With China’s economy now fourth in the world and India becoming a larger economic force, it is certainly to Russia’s advantage to seek closer association with them.
All three are concerned with problems in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Korea, and each also has separatist movements within its own borders. Also, China and India are energy-deficient, while Russia has enormous resources in oil and natural gas. All three countries have traditionally directed their foreign policies in a similar direction, as their political thinking has generally been against the West. For these and other reasons they have much in common.
Vladimir Putin
Back in the 1990s, after the former Soviet Union fell apart, Russia was in desperate straits. Her economy was in tatters, food was scarce, and the basic machinery of the state virtually at a standstill. National security was inept and unable to deal with the void produced by the collapse of the Communist government, and the country was left open to chaos and exploitation. In addition, she was relegated by the West to strategic irrelevance in the post-Cold War era. When various measures failed to correct the problem, Boris Yeltsin at length appointed Vladimir Putin as prime minister in 1999, and shortly afterward he became acting president in Yeltsin’s place. When he ran for president in the year 2000, he was elected with a majority vote, and in 2004 he was reelected with a landslide majority.
A former agent of the KGB, Putin is tough, outspoken and very nationalistic. While claiming to guarantee the democratic achievements in Russia, he has become increasingly authoritarian. In a country that has traditionally been ruled with an “iron fist,” he enjoys a 75% approval rating and the confidence of most of the business community. High prices for oil and gas exports have fueled prosperity and economic recovery, producing a sense of stability that appeals to many Russians. To his admirers, he represents order and stability, although his critics fear that repression lurks in the background. His patriotism and nostalgia for the USSR are very evident. His aim clearly is to foster economic recovery and ultimately to restore Russia’s clout in the world.
The Future Role of Russia
Where does all this leave us in the light of the Word of God? It is clear from prophecy that Russia will not only be a powerful nation, but will also play a major part in world events at the end of the great tribulation. When the collapse of the Soviet Union resulted in the dramatic lessening of Russia’s power and influence, many believers who understood prophecy wondered how she would rise to prominence again. Now we see a man in power who may well bring it about.
The Three Confederacies
We may well ask where it will all end, but God’s Word clearly gives us the answer. At the end of the great tribulation, there will be three great confederacies that will be involved with Israel. First of all, the western confederacy under the Roman beast will meet its doom at the hand of the Lord and the armies of heaven. We read about it in Revelation: “I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat on the horse, and against His army. And the beast was taken, and with the false prophet that wrought miracles before him.  .  .  .  These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse” (Rev. 19:19-21).
Prior to this, the king of the north (called in Scripture the Assyrian, and probably a confederacy of the Arab nations), will have come down to attack Israel. It is clear from Daniel 8:24 that he “shall be mighty, but not by his own power.” Another nation will be backing him, very likely Russia and her allies. He will go through the land of Israel, causing terrible bloodshed and destruction, and continue on into Egypt. But then “tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him” (Dan. 11:44), causing him to return to the land of Israel. Possibly these tidings will announce the arrival of the armies of the beast, who comes to defend Israel, having heard of the invasion of the king of the north. He (the king of the north) will stand up against the Lord in battle (Dan. 8:25), but will be destroyed (Dan. 11:45). It is evident that Russia will not come to his aid — “none shall help him” (Dan. 11:45).
Israel Reestablished
At this time the Lord reestablishes the true remnant of Israel in her land, and under His protection she prospers and is at rest. Then Russia and her allies, seeing that all other enemies are destroyed, think to “take a spoil, and to take a prey” (Ezek. 38:12). Russia will come down against Israel “as a cloud to cover the land” (Ezek. 38:16), so great will be the armies involved. However, this time they will not be allowed to touch Israel. The Lord says, “I will turn thee back and  .  .  .  thou shalt fall upon the mountains of Israel” (Ezek. 39:2,4). So massive will be the destruction that the people of Israel will be seven months burying the dead (Ezek. 39:12), and seven years burning the weapons of war (Ezek. 39:910). The end result will be that the Lord “will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they shall know that I am the Lord” (Ezek. 38:23).
Although Russia (along with many other nations) is flexing her muscles today, God tells us that “the lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day” (Isa. 2:11). The judgment necessary to accomplish this is awful to contemplate, but our hearts can look up, for the hope of the believer is for the Lord to call us home before all this happens. The judgments, although terrible, will usher in a time of wonderful blessing for this world. “When Thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness” (Isa. 26:9). Most important, the Lord Jesus will then be vindicated in the world that has rejected Him and will have His rightful place of power and authority. For this reason we who know and love the Lord Jesus also “love His appearing” (2 Tim. 4:8), and there will be a “crown of righteousness” for those who long for that day. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus”! W. J. Prost